The internet is full of articles, tips, and solutions to ensure online security for both individuals and companies with an online presence. With that being said, there is a great misunderstanding of what is data security and what is cyber security. Most of the time, these two terms are used interchangeably but this is not true.
It is somewhat correct that these two terms are related, but it is critical to know that they do have different purposes in terms of what they aim to protect. Both of these concepts are equally important and it is understandable that there is confusion. Let’s not waste any more time and learn about the differences.
What is Data Security?
The term Data Security is actually pretty self-explanatory. It is the completion of solutions and protocols companies use to protect the sensitive information they store. The boundaries of Data Security, however, are much broader than you think.
Securing data is not only making sure unauthorized access is prevented (although it is a part of it); it also includes protocols of encryption, restoring data, data backups, or eliminating certain information. You can think of the Data Security process as being hygienic with the information you use and store as a company.
In other words, data security is primarily focused on the protection, deletion, and restriction of data. This practice is used to ensure that only authorized personnel is accessing only what they really need, and also to protect information against malicious actors on the internet.
Data Security might be considered as a part of a greater cyber security structure, but they are not the same thing. We will explain cyber security in detail below, but to summarize; data security involves keeping information confidential (to unapproved entities), integral, and also available (only to authorized users). This is also known as the CIA, and these are the main objectives of every proper data security structure.
Confidentiality is the goal of ensuring that information is not being tracked down and received by unauthorized parties. This is a big deal, especially for cloud data protection solutions; they need to make sure that information going in and out of the cloud always stays confidential.
Integrity is about keeping data whole and in its original way. This means that no unauthorized user is modifying a piece of information and it is ensured that the data can stay the same (integral) from the very start to the end. It is also important to keep information secured from malware when it comes to data integrity.
Availability is ensuring that the information is accessible by authorized personnel whenever they need it; this is to guarantee that productivity is sustained and end-users are not disturbed when they access something they are cleared to access.
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber Security is a broader term than Data Security; it is the act of protecting every kind of device, application, tool, and system that is a part of the cyber presence of a company. Since cyber threats become more varied and dangerous, cyber security is considered to be a great deal; resulting in holistic and ever-improving solutions.
As we explained above, data security is a part of cyber security; but it’s also the other way around. With that being said, we do have to remember that cyber security also includes keeping all servers and applications up and running and safe from cyberattacks, in addition to keeping information safe.
In addition to protecting the cyber presence of an organization including all its applications and tools, cyber security also deals with the physical protection of the devices that are used to connect to the cyber world. This means that IT security teams always consider device theft or physical attacks on servers and take precautions against these types of attacks. They need to be able to prevent any kind of access from these devices when they are compromised to be secure. Enroll in Cyber Security Courses to gain access and knowledge in this cyber attacks.
Cyber security mainly deals with the protection of the private network, the cloud, applications, and also devices. Cybersecurity teams put the necessary technology and solutions in place to guard the cyber realm against damage.
The Difference Between Data Security and Cyber Security
So in short, data security is always focused on protecting information online and keeping it integral, available, and confidential. It is a relatively more specialized practice that has a single main focus.
On the other hand, cybersecurity is a broader term and focuses on the protection of the data and all the systems, applications, and servers that the information runs through. It is not only concerned about data protection, but it also aims to secure all digital systems.
These two terms are not interchangeable, but they are related and a part of each other. The main components of data security are access control, authentication, and compliance whereas cybersecurity priorities are network protection, cloud security, and attack response.
Q: What is the difference between data security and cyber security?
A: Data security protects data from unauthorized access, use, or theft. Cybersecurity protects computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, use, or attack.
Q: Why is data security important?
A: Data security is important because it helps protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. This can include personal information, financial data, and confidential business information.
Q: Why is cybersecurity important?
A: Cybersecurity is important because it helps protect computer systems and networks from threats such as viruses, malware, and hacking attempts. A successful cyber attack can result in the loss of sensitive data or even the complete shutdown of a system.
Q: What are some common threats to data security?
A: Some common threats to data security include phishing scams, malware, and insider threats. These threats can result in the loss or theft of sensitive data.
Q: What are some common threats to cybersecurity?
A: Some common cybersecurity threats include viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and denial of service attacks. These threats can result in the compromise of sensitive data or the complete shutdown of a system.
We all have heard about cyber security and data security; possibly in the same environment and even as the same thing. This is not true as the two practices are being implemented for different purposes. An organization might have a robust data security structure but a poor cyber security plan.
The thing to remember here is that these two terms contribute to each other, and they both work on protecting your cyber presence as an organization. Online businesses need to confirm that they are ready to respond to every attack and they know how to keep their information safe.