Food Items That Help Improve Your Concentration When Preparing for UPSC

Are you the one who skips meals when you are busy? Do you think your brain only needs knowledge and no food? Do you find problems concentrating when studying? Are you too scared that you can’t memorize everything? Are you a UPSC aspirant? 

If you can answer any of the above-mentioned questions with a yes, please keep reading. This article brings you a list of certain food items that will help to improve your concentration when preparing for UPSC

But remember, these are not UPSC-specific food items. If you feel concentration is not your forte in general, you can try eating these food items. However, before we proceed further, let us outrightly mention one thing. A balanced diet and a balanced schedule is the solution to most problems in the human body. 

Eating these food items seldom will not produce any miraculous effects if your diet is disturbed. Your brain needs food as much as the other organs of the body. The items listed below will help boost your concentration only when you already have a balanced diet because a healthy brain resides in a healthy body. If your body has no strengths, the brain can’t just keep going alone. 

  • Whole Grains

Some of the easily available whole grains in the Indian market are oats, wheat, barley, maize, etc. These are unrefined carbohydrates and take some time to digest. Hence, they will keep you charged for long hours of study without making you tired. In addition to that, these grains contain fibers, vitamins, and Omega-3. 

All three of them help in better blood circulation. Better blood circulation means your brain is getting better oxygen keeping it refreshed. This way, a memory boost is likely to take place. 

Most whole grains are easy to incorporate into the diet in the form of chapatis. Oatmeal can be blended into a smoothie or made into a savory or sweet delicacy. It will serve as a good breakfast option too.

  • Green Tea

While it may seem to be some bougie category, Indian markets are filled with green tea brands for all the right reasons. Its effects on belly facts cannot be substantiated, but it does contain polyphenols. 

These chemicals send a sense of reward to the brain even if the tongue might not like the taste. A sense of appreciation by the brain will be appreciated and it will find itself to be stress-free. You will then be able to concentrate better and your memory will also be boosted.

  • Dark Chocolates

A more perfect blend of taste and benefits has never existed. Dark chocolates, or even for that matter milk chocolates, are rich in antioxidants. From relieving anxiety to curing mood swings, chocolates can do that all. 

They even help with higher and better concentration. They increase clarity and alertness levels and thus improve your cognitive skills. They are scientifically proven to be stress-busters. Hence, your mind will remain happy and will be able to focus for long hours.

  • Coffee

Coffee needs no introduction in the field of concentration boost. The caffeine present in coffee retards the need for sleep by blocking the route of neurons that tell the brain that you need rest. Besides concentration, it helps with alertness. Caffeine consumption is also found to help increase memory and retention.

  • Eggs

People know about the protein content in eggs. The choline content in it is however not known to many. It reduces inflammation and reduces cognitive decline. Tryptophan is another element present in eggs. It helps the body in producing serotonin which then helps in improving mood and normalizing your sleep schedule. 

  • Nuts

Nuts are known for having omega-3 fatty acids. They are vital for the brain’s cognitive functions. Copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium keep the neurological functions of the mind healthy. Eating nuts helps in improving mood which eventually leads to a boost. 

  • Green Leafy Vegetable

Lettuce, kale, spinach, broccoli, etc. are every mother’s favorite. They are rich in energy, improve focus and keep one charged. Vitamin K content in Leafy greens helps with better cognitive function. 

They are even considered beneficial for treating diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. In short, green leafy vegetables will serve to be the perfect ingredient for a sustained diet that will keep you full for long hours and help improve concentration as you won’t be distracted by hunger.

  • Blueberries

Blueberries are known to be a superfood. They serve several health benefits. They are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients while being low in calories. Hence, you won’t feel sleepy after consuming them. They are again helpful in reducing cognitive decline and treating Alzheimer’s. 

You can eat them with strawberries, Greek yogurt, or any other ingredient of your choice. They taste good, are healthy, and will help you in better concentration. What else would one need? However, owing to so many advantages, they come in the category of pricier commodities. 

  • Water

Water is calorie-free, comes free of cost, and yet serves multiple advantages. We often forget to hydrate our bodies while we are engaged in some serious study. It is not at all advisable to skip on at least 2 liters of water a day. 

When your body will have a sense of hydration, it will feel happy. Your mind will feel happier and healthier and hence, your concentration is bound to be better.


This was a list of some of the easily available food items that can help you remain concentrated while you prepare for the UPSC exam

Online coaching classes, long hours of self-study, and a busy routine can render your lives unhealthy and chaotic. 

To avoid any adverse consequences, it is better to nourish your body well in time. Compliment your balanced diet with all or some of these items. Add some workouts to your day. A perfect balance in life is the key to clearing any examination. Hence, do not just focus on your studies no matter how near the exam is. A balanced life will serve it all.

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