Getting others to market your brand might sound like something out of one of the best dreams you’ve ever had, but not only is it possible, it’s surprisingly easy. Passive marketing is the sort of marketing that you do once, and receive results long after that. Some of the advice in this guide will fall under the passive marketing heading and some are a little different. Some of this marketing involves doing a great job at the business side of things and allowing other people to spread the good word. So, if you’re interested in getting a boost to your marketing without too much extra input on your part, then this guide is for you.
Professional Reviews
Getting professionally reviewed is a great way to market your business, that is of course if you are sure that your business is up to scratch. The way that this works is simple and the best way to explain it is with a couple of examples. If you wanted to buy a new fridge, then you might go to a company like Which? that specialises in professional reviews of white goods. They will verify the lifetime of appliances, how expensive they are, and what their performance and energy ratings are like and leave a write-up on their own website. If on the other hand, you wanted to know which betting website to use, you might go to a company like SBO that specialises in reviewing online bookmakers. At SBO they review sites based on their deposit and withdrawal methods, their ease of use, their security features, and which sports they allow betting on. With this information, they write a concise review, including the bonuses available, and best odds, and leave that on their own website. These professional review sites are useful for giving a genuinely well-rounded opinion on the credentials of any business, which means they’re a perfect place to market yours. Find a reviewer that works in your field and ask if they would review your services or products on their website. Once the review is up you’ll have people clicking through the link on their site to use your business, meaning you’re being advertised totally free.
Referral Schemes

Whilst getting the professionals to market your business is one thing, perhaps the best way of marketing your business is through your customers. There is nothing as powerful as word-of-mouth referral, we all rely on the opinions of our friends and family when making decisions. The decision could be something as simple as which brand of dishwasher tablet to buy, so if you’re a dishwasher tablet brand then listen up. Being a great business, that is delivering excellent products and exemplary customer service, will certainly get you some word-of-mouth referrals, but starting a referral scheme will surely increase them. Your referral service needs to benefit your customers and there is one company out there that does it better than anyone else, AirBnb. This company sells a service at a relatively high price point, and stays in other people’s apartments. They work as a middleman, connecting the person who wants to rent out their apartment, with the person who wants to stay in it. They take a commission for each successful stay and at the same time ensure that both landlord and renter are protected. All of this work for a relatively small reward means that turnover is key and to increase turnover you need more customers. AirBnb runs a referral scheme where for every person you recommend who books a stay with them, you get $18 off your next stay. This amount of money is considerable for the referrer but small for the price of a customer who might book again and again. Work out your strategy and implement it, hopefully as successfully as AirBnb has.
Guest Blogging
This tip certainly falls under the passive marketing bracket, as you’ll have to put in a good deal of effort in the first place before you start to see results. However, once you’ve made that initial push, the difference you notice should be profound. Guest blogging involves writing blog posts for other people’s websites, you’ll find people that have done so on our site The Gone App. In your blog post, you should have a link to your website, one of your products, an article on your blog, or anything that will drive people to your site and give them the ability to purchase from your business. It’s often a good idea to write for websites that are in a similar field to your business, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Always aim to make your links feel natural and not as though they’re advertising too strongly. Include relevant images, with all of the right tags, just as you’d do for your own site. Aim to write several of these each week for a few months and you’ll really start to see the hits rolling in.