How to Put Your Jewelry Store on the Map—Which Marketing Strategies to Use to Promote Your Business In the world of tough competition, it’s necessary to put the right strategies in place in order to put your brand name on the map. With dozens of jewelry stores on each corner, it’s become extremely difficult to come up with a unique strategy that’ll make sure customers choose your business rather than your competitors. That’s why it’s of the utmost importance to have a well thought out plan in place before taking any action.
As a business owner, you need to think about your jewelry store. What will you offer to your customers? How will you encourage loyalty? Which advertising strategies will you put in place? These are all questions you should be asking yourself.
Whether you’re just starting a new jewelry business or you’ve been in the industry for years, it’s always a good idea to rethink your strategies and see what you can do to improve your business. Luckily, nowadays, we have more marketing methods at our disposal, especially with the development of digital tools. If you want to find out how to use these tactics to your advantage, stay tuned and check our paragraphs below.
Which Marketing Strategies to Use to Promote Your Business
Look at your website
Since we live in the age of Internet and online shopping, your website is the first thing you should inspect. And, if you’re a new business that’s just starting, then make sure you have a website as that’ll be the first point of contact with your customers. Look at it from your point of view—if you’re searching for a specific type of service or product, what’s the first place you’ll check? Our guess is the Internet. That’s precisely what your customers will also be doing. And if they can find your competitors online but not you, you’ll end up losing customers and profit. You wouldn’t want that now, would you?
So, make sure your website answers all of your customers’ potential questions. Put yourself in their shoes and predict the questions they might ask. For instance, include your name, address, phone number, business hours and email in the About section and also on the homepage so that your website visitors can easily find your or reach out if they have a specific question in mind. Of course, as your business grows, your website will expand as well. With time, you can also add your products online or make online orders available.
Ask for testimonials
Have you ever heard of the old saying: “Good news travels fast?” Well, the same goes for positive reviews. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to spread information, especially if you want to target a local audience or the people in your neighborhood. However, Tiffany and Co. didn’t become one of the most prominent jewelry stores by relying solely on people’s recommendations.
Today, you need to establish a positive presence online and ensure that your satisfied customers are spreading the good word online. So, whenever you make a successful sale or help your customer in any way, don’t be ashamed to ask for testimonials. Naturally, don’t be pushy but just remind them to drop a comment if they have time. If you own a local jewelry store, you’ll see how this tactic will increase the number of visitors in just under 3 months. Reviews are the first thing people look at and they help establish credibility for your business.
Be a part of the community
If your aim is to establish long-term trust, then you have to give back to the community and make sure they know who you are. By involving yourself in the community, you’re not only a name behind a business, but a real person people can connect with. It’s a well-known fact that people put more trust into business if they communicate with the owner face to face. Even a small chit-chat can go a long way in promoting your business.
So, how can you give back to your community? For instance, you can organize a fundraiser around Christmas or New Year. Let’s say you give 10% of the total sales to a local charity or organization that can put the money to good use and help someone who needs financial support. Or, maybe you could invest some of your earnings in organizing a local fair or celebration—basically anything that’s tied to helping the people in your surroundings.