Typical SQL Server Problems: How to Get Rid of Them

Many IT administrators repeatedly struggle with the same problems when dealing with an SQL server. It’s time to put an end to this and learn how to get rid of the most frequent performance SQL Server Problems.

The App Keeps Getting Slower 

The first thing that most experts will do upon hearing this kind of statement is to check clustered indexes and their fragmentation. In situations like this, it’s important to review whether maintenance plans for their upkeep exist and how often they are performed. By doing so, you can find out that the maintenance plan should be executed more frequently. For index rebuilding and index reorganization, SQL Server delivers a maintenance plan, which unfortunately is almost impossible to configure. However, professional SQL database restoring experts can always help you get the job done for you on the highest level. 

It Takes Too Long to Generate My Reports (SSRS) 

It’s important to remember that the SQL server will reserve the RAM when you configure the maximum permitted RAM for SQL Server, even if it’s not currently in use. By doing so, it prevents repeat loading of data from storage when it’s accessed. Another thing that should be pointed out is that performance counters that can be monitored by the Windows Server Performance Monitor can be also created when installing an SQL server. 

Time-Consuming Data Generation 

An average application takes 10GB of data and generates an additional 20GB. RAM and CPU tend to show low load. However, the data file size was originally 10GB and configured with an auto-growth of 1MB. It means the data was written, storage was reserved, and then overwritten with zeros in incremental steps of 1MB. 

In such cases, when creating the database, one may need to change the default settings for the file size and growth to suit the requirements of the specific application. Even though the applications’ developers are already trying to come up with solutions for faster data generation, it’s still important to check the plausibility of configured values. 

SQL Server Crash

An SQL server may start responding too slowly or completely crash. It’s a common issue the vendors of virtualization applications have discussed in white papers. The use of SQL Server in virtualized environments is supported in principle. They need to be read on all accounts if SQL Server will be run in a virtualized environment.

It’s not necessary for performance issues with an SQL server to be complex. However, DBAs should do their homework, which includes correct configuration of virtual machines, index maintenance, correct configuration of the instance’s maximum RAM, etc.

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