Japanese Phrases Pt 5: Cute Words & Phrases in Japanese

Table of Contents

Today, we’re covering what tons of people request – cute JapaneseThe use of words and phrases.

You don’t really need them for conversations, unless you’re trying to be cute.

These are still great to know. These can be shared with girlfriends and boyfriends. They might also be heard by you inanime You’re going to learn the phrases – in JapaneseAnd inEnglish – Translate key words and vocabulary.

Now, because you’re interested inLearning Japanese….

Let’s go!

1. Super cute 可愛すぎ

  • Kawai Sugi

This is a very casual, shortened way to say “super cute” in Japanese. For the longer variation, you can say…

  • 可愛過ぎる
  • Kawai Sugiru

2. Very cute めっちゃ可愛い

  • meccha kawaii

“Meccha” is a very casual and Osaka-dialect to say “very” in Japanese.

3. I’m excited. ドキドキしてる。

  • Doki Doki shiteru.

Doki doki, one of the most beloved cutes, is Doki Doki. JapaneseYou need to know these words. It means “excited” and is one of the Japanese language’s many onomatopoeia. Shiteru comes from “suru” and means to do – but you can’t translate this literally.

cute Japanese phrases and words

If you are looking for cute shirts, Japanese phrases like “doki doki shiteru,” check out my teespring store here.

4. Please stay by my side そばにいてください。

  • Soba ni ite kudasai.

Are you a fan of all these adorable? Japanese words? No Well…

Soba is near, and kudasai is please. The word in the middle, ite, means “be” is a conjugation of the verb “iru” in the “te-form.” Pretty simple!

cute Japanese words

5. I won’t forget about you あなたことを忘れない。

  • Anata koto Wo Wasurenai

Anata is a Japanese word that means you. Koto can also refer to something, but in this case it refers to you or “about you.” Finally, wasurenai means to not be able to forget. So, don’t forget this Japanese lesson!

cute Japanese words

6. Hold my hand 手を繋いで。

  • Te wo tsunaide

Let’s break these cute Japanese words down.

Te means hand. It is easy to remember. Tsunaide comes from “tsunagu” and means “to hold.” If you’re wondering about the “wo” as you’ve seen earlier, it’s just a particle used to connect a verb and the object that’s affected by the verb.

cute Japanese words

7. Sorry! Sorry! ごめん!忘れちゃった!

  • Gomen! Wasurechatta.

Gomen can be used casually to express regret. Wasurechatta means I forgot but it’s said inIt is a casual expression that indicates that you were not careful. It’s a bit complicated grammar but don’t worry about it. With enough practice, you’ll get it.


8. I’m here for whenever you need me いつだって君には私がいるから。

  • Itsu datte kimi ni wa watashi ga iru kara.

Itsu datte means “any time” and kimi is a very common word – it’s a nicer way of saying you. Watashi, you’d probably already know means “I.”

cute Japanese words

9. Even if you go far away, I’ll be by your side 遠くに行っても私はあなたのそばにいます。

  • Tooku ni ittemo watashi wa anata no soba ni imasu.

Tooku is derived from the adjective – tooi – which means far. Then, ittemo comes from the verb “to go – iku.” Again, we see “soba” “anata” and “watashi” – all of which you know.

cute Japanese words

10. I want to be a good human being. いい人になりたい。

  • Ii hito ni naritai.

Ii, pronounced as “ee” means good and hito is person. All’s left is naritai which comes from the verb naru – meaning – to become. However, the “tai” form makes it mean “want to become.”

cute Japanese phrases

11. Let’s always be friends ずっと友達でいよう。

  • Zutto tomodachi de iyou.

Zutto can be translated as “always”. And tomodachi – you’ve definitely heard this before. Just means “friend.”

cute Japanese phrases and words

12. I don’t want to get out of bed ベッドから出たくない。

  • Beddo kara detakunai.

Who does? Beddo is obviously… a bed. And detekunai comes from “deru” meaning to get out of. But, in this grammar format, it means “don’t want to get out of.”

japanese cute phrases thegoneapp.com

13. I’m glad I waited. 待っていて良かった。

  • Matteite yokatta.

The grammar form -te yokatta means “Im glad that _____.” Matteite comes from the verb – matsu – to wait.

cute Japanese phrases and words

14. I’m so happy, I can’t contain it. 嬉しくてたまらない。

  • Ureshikute tamaranai.

Ureshii can be translated as happy or tamaranai as unbearable. What makes you happy? Can you contain it?

cute Japanese phrases and words

This is my favorite cute! Japanese words.

15. Let’s meet in our dreams. 夢で会いましょう。

  • Yume de aimashou.

You’ll most likely never hear this. Perhaps inAnimation. But it’s a charming phrase nonetheless. Yume means dream and aimashou means let’s meet. The original verb for “to meet” is “au.”

cute Japanese phrases and words

16. I don’t want to wake up yet! まだ起きたくない。

  • Mada okitakunai.

Then, stay inBedding! Mada means “still” or “yet.” And “okitakunai” means to not want to get up. We already covered the takunai.

cute Japanese words and phrases

17. I don’t want to grow up. 大人になりたくないよ。

  • Otona ni naritakunaiyo.

You don’t! You don’t!? It’s so much fun to pay your bills! Otona means “adult” and naritakunai means “don’t want to become.” Yo just adds emphasis to the phrase.

cute Japanese words and phrases

18. People like you are rare. あなたみたいな人は珍しい。

  • Anata mitaina hito wa mezurashii.

JapaneseThey are extremely rare. So you’re pretty rare! Now, let’s explain these cute Japanese words.

Mezurashii means rare. Anata, which you already know, is the Greek word for you. Hito means person. Mitai means “-like” or “similar.”

cute Japanese words and phrases

19. You are very special to me. あなたは私にとって特別です。

  • Anata wa watashi ni totte tokubetsu desu.

Anata, watashi — all you know. Ni totte means “to me” or for whomever this phrase is attached to. Tokubetsu means “special.”

cute Japanese words and phrases

20. You’re so cute and perfect to me. 私には、あなたは可愛く完璧です。

  • Watashi ni wa, anata wa kawaiku kanpeki desu.

You are unique, perfect, and cute. Everyone knows that “kawaii” means “cute.” Kanpeki means “Perfect.”

cute Japanese words and phrases

21. You are my best friend. いつまでも愛します。

  • Itsu made mo aishimasu.

Itsumade means forever or inThis is the case always. Ai-suru or Ai-shimasu means “to love” and “ai” means “love.”

cute Japanese words and phrases

22. Don’t worry about it. 気にしないで。

  • Ki ni Shinaide

Be worried about learning JapaneseWhat can you do? Don’t worry about it!

cute Japanese words and phrases

23. A smile is a good choice. 笑顔よく似合う.

  • Egao Yoku Niau

This is a great phrase. Egao means a “smile.” Niau means suits and yoku comes from “ii” which is good/well.

cute Japanese words and phrases

24. These feelings are secret. この気持ちは秘密。

  • Kono kimochi wa himitsu.

Kono simply means this. Kimochi (not Kimchi), means feelings, and himitsu is secret. But please, don’t keep them a secret. Comment and share your feelings with me!

cute Japanese words and phrases

25. I would like to speak with you. あなたと話したい。

  • Anata to hanashitai.

Hanashitai derives its name from the verb hanasu which is to talk/speak. The -shitai makes it become “want to talk.’

cute Japanese words and phrases

26. 26. いつもお世話になりましてありがとうございます。

  • Itsumo osewa ni narimashite arigatou gozaimasu.

This is a more traditional expression. It literally means “thank you for always taking care of me.” Itsumo is always. Osewa Ni Naru is to be obliged or receive favor. And arigatou… well you should know that!

cute Japanese words and phrases

27. Let’s go together. 一緒に行こう。

  • Issho ni ikou.

Issho Ni – means together. The word ikou is derived from the Japanese iku, which means “to go”.

cute Japanese phrases and words

Now, tell us what you think.

Is there anything else cute? JapaneseWhat words and phrases do you want to learn? You can also learn the words and phrases you truly want to. JapaneseGet effective lessons with JapanesePod101 – Register now for a free account and get started learning!

There are other lessons that you’ll absolutely love:

  • How to Learn Japanese in5 Minutes (Study tools inside)
  • How to Learn Successfully: Self-Study JapaneseAll by itself.


This list is your chance to share your love. Please see you inPart 6

– The Main Junkie


Q: What are aesthetic Japanese quotes? 

A: Aesthetic Japanese quotes are phrases or expressions in Japanese that have a pleasing or artistic quality. They can be based on Japanese culture, philosophy, literature, or folklore.

Q: What are some examples of aesthetic Japanese quotes? 

A: 木漏れ日 (Komorebi) – Sunlight filtering through the trees 

物の哀れ (Mono no aware) – Bitter-sweetness of fading beauty

幽玄 (Yuugen) – An awareness of the universe

Q: Why are aesthetic Japanese quotes popular? 

A: Aesthetic Japanese quotes are popular because they appeal to people interested in Japanese culture, language, or art. They can also inspire people to learn more about Japan’s history, values, or wisdom.

Q: How to use aesthetic Japanese quotes? 

A: Writing them on cards, letters, or gifts for someone who loves Japanese culture or language.

Posting them on social media, blogs, or websites to share your appreciation or admiration of Japanese aesthetics or philosophy.

P.S. Are you looking for something simple? JapaneseAre there resources? Below are some resources.

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