Basque Names and Surnames
The movie ends and the credits role: are you looking for Basque names? Most Basque surnames are readily identifiable because they follow a small number of set patterns. The vast majority are not derived from an ancestor but rather from the family’s etxea, the historically all important Basque family home. Basque The first names are unique as well.
The earliest historical reference to Basque names are from the Roman era two millennia ago and they were written in Latin form (e.g., “Enneconis” which was the Basque name Eneko plus the Latin ending -is for “Enekoitz”). Then during the medieval period Basque names were usually written using the spelling conventions of Spanish and French (e.g., many Basque surnames in the Iparralde or northern Basque country acquired an initial ‘d’ from the French ‘de’ so Urarte became Duhart). Then with the recent introduction of Euskara Batua, or standard Basque spelling conventions, Basque names have undergone another change (e.g., the Spanish Echepare and French Detchepare in Euskara Batua becomes Etxepare).
Image from J. Etxegoien, Orhipean: Gure Herria ezagutzen Xamar: 1992.
Basque surnames are usually recognizable because of the common use of certain elements and endings (noting the spelling variants). The traditional “etxea” or Basque home had a name, as illustrated above, and most Basque surnames derived from that source. These Basque surnames fall into two categories: a description of the family home or the first owner of the home. As seen above in the image, the home nearest the bridge is called “Zubiondoa” from Zubi (bridge) and ondoan (nearby). The home in the lower center is “Bidartea” from Bide (road) and artean (between). Above that is the home “Juanarena” from the name Juan (John) and arena (belonging to). Above that in the center is “Apezetxea” from Apez (priest) and etxe (house). The far right home is “Mendialdea” from Mendi (mountain) and aldean (alongside).
NESKEN IZENAK: Basque Female names
ABARRANE: Basque feminine form of Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude.” AGURNE: Basque name meaning “greetings; salutation.” AINTZA: Basque name meaning “glorious.” AINTZANE: Variant of Basque Aintza, meaning “glorious.” ALAIA: Basque name meaning “joy.” ALAZNE: Basque name meaning “miracle.” ALESANDESE: Feminine form of Basque Alesander, meaning “defender of mankind.” ALIZE: Basque form of Spanish Alicia, meaning “noble sort.” AMALUR: Basque name meaning “homeland; motherland.” AMALURE: Variant of Basque Amalur, meaning “homeland; motherland.” AMETS: Basque unisex name meaning “dream.” AMETZA: Basque name meaning “oak.” ANDERE: Feminine form of Basque Ander, meaning “man; warrior.” ANGELU: Basque name meaning “angel.” ANTXONE: Feminine form of Basque Antton, possibly meaning “invaluable.” APAIN: Basque name meaning “elegant.” APALA: Feminine form of Basque Apal, meaning “humble.” ARANTXA: Basque name meaning “thorn-bush.” ARGINE (Argiñe): Feminine form of Basque Argi, meaning “light.” ARIMA: Basque name meaning “soul.” ARINE (Ariñe): Basque name meaning “light.” ARRATS: Basque unisex name meaning “early evening; dusk.” ARRIXAKA: Basque name meaning “virgin.” ARROSA: Basque name meaning “rose.” ARTEA: Basque name meaning “evergreen.” ARTIZAR: Unisex Name meaning “morning Star; Venus”. AURKENA: Basque name meaning “presentation.” AURKENE: Variant of Basque Aurkena, meaning “presentation.” AUSTINE (Austiñe): Basque form of Roman Latin Augustina, meaning “venerable.” BABESNE: Basque name meaning “protection.” BAKARNE: Feminine form of Basque Bakar, meaning “alone.” BAKENE: Basque name meaning “peace.” BALERE: Basque form of Roman Latin Valerie, meaning “strong.” BARKARNA: Basque name meaning “lonely.” BARKARNE: Variant of Basque Barkarna, meaning “lonely.” BELTZANE: Basque name meaning “brunette.” BENGOLARREA: Basque name meaning “land of the blessed.” BEREZI: Basque name meaning “special.” BETIKO: Basque name meaning “eternal.” BETISA: Basque name meaning “unending.” BIBINE (Bibiñe): Basque form of Vivian, meaning “alive; animated; lively.” BIDANE: Basque name meaning “way.” BIHOTZ: Basque name meaning “heart.” BITTORE: Feminine form of Basque Bittor, meaning “to conquer; victory.” BITTORI: Variant of Basque Bittore, meaning “to conquer; victory.” BITXI: Basque name meaning “gem.” BITXILORE: Basque form of Margaret, meaning “pearl.” BIXENTA: Feminine form of Basque Bixintxo, meaning “conquering.” DANELE: Feminine form of Basque Danel, meaning “God is my judge.” DOLORE: Basque form of Spanish Dolores, meaning “sorrows.” DOMEKA: Basque name meaning “Sunday.” EDER: Basque unisex name meaning “beautiful, handsome.” EDERNA: Basque name meaning “beautiful.” EDERNE: Variant of Basque Ederna, meaning “beautiful.” EDURNE: Feminine form of Basque Edur, meaning “snow.” EGIARTE: Basque name meaning “truth.” EGUZKINE (Eguzkiñe): Feminine form of Basque Eguzki, meaning “sun.” ELIXABETE: Basque form of Elisabeth, meaning “God is my oath.” ERLEA: Basque unisex name meaning “bee.” ERRASTI: Basque name meaning “field of broom.” ERREGINA: Basque name meaning “queen.” ERRUKINE: Basque name meaning “sympathy.” ESKARNE: Basque name meaning “mercy.” ESTEBENI: Feminine form of Basque Estebe, meaning “crown.” ESTI: Basque name meaning “honey; sweet.” EUKENE: Basque form of English Eugenia, meaning “well born.” EURIA: Basque name meaning “rain.” EZKURRA: Basque name meaning “acorn.” FEDE: Basque name meaning “faith.” FLORENTXI: Basque form of Florence, meaning “blossoming.” FRANTZISKA: Feminine form of Basque Frantzisko, meaning “free.” FRUITUTSU: Basque name meaning “fruitful.” GABONE: Basque name meaning “Christmas.” GAINKO: Basque name meaning “from above.” GARAINE (Garaiñe): Basque name meaning “champion, victor.” GARAITZ: Basque name meaning “champion, victor.” GARAZI: Basque name meaning “grace.” GARBI: Basque name meaning “clean, pure.” GARBINE (Garbiñe): Variant of Basque Garbi, meaning “clean, pure.” GARDEN: Basque name meaning “clear, transparent.” GARTZENE: Feminine form of Basque Gartzi, meaning “grace.” GAXUXA: Basque name meaning “gracious.” GAZTAIN: Basque name meaning “chestnut.” GENTZANE: Feminine form of Basque Gentza, meaning “peace.” GOIZANE: Feminine form of Basque Goiz, meaning “morning.” GOIZARGI is “Morning Light.” Basque name composed of the elements goiz “morning” and argi “light.” GOIZEDER – “Beautiful Morning.” Basque name composed of the elements goiz “morning” and eder “beautiful.” GORANE: Basque name meaning “exaltation.” GORATZE: Basque name meaning “exaltation.” GORRIA: Feminine form of Basque Gorri, meaning “red.” GOTZONE: Feminine form of Basque Gotzon, meaning “angel.” GOZO: Basque name meaning “sweet.” GURUTZE: Feminine form of Basque Gurutz, meaning “cross.” GURUZNE: Basque name meaning “holy cross.” HAIZEA: Basque name meaning “wind.” HILARGI: Basque name meaning “moon.” IDOYA: Spanish name derived from the place name Idoia, itself a Basque name meaning “pond.” IGONE: Feminine form of Basque Igon, meaning “ascension.” IHINTZA: Basque unisex name meaning “dew.” IKERNE: Basque name meaning “visitation.” IRATI: Basque name meaning “fern field.” IRUNE: Basque name meaning “trinity.” ITSASO: Basque name meaning “ocean.” ITURRIETA: Feminine form of Basque Iturri, meaning “fountain.” ITXARO: Basque name meaning “hope.” ITZIAR is “Old Stone.” Basque Name taken from the name a village that has a shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary. IXONE: Basque name meaning “solitude.” IZAR: Basque name meaning “star.” IZARO: Basque name meaning “island.” JAIONE: Basque name meaning “nativity.” JAUREGI: Basque name meaning “palace.” JONE: Basque feminine form of Jon, meaning “God is gracious.” JOSEBE: Feminine form of Basque Joseba, meaning “(God) shall add,” which is usually taken to mean “God will add another son.” JOSUNE: Basque feminine form of Jesus, meaning “God is salvation.” JOXEPA: Feminine form of Basque Joseba, meaning “(God) shall add,” which is usually taken to mean “God will add another son.” JULENE: Feminine form of Basque Julen, possibly meaning “youth.” KALARE: Basque form of Clara, meaning “clear, bright.” KARITATE: Basque name meaning “charity.” KARMELE: Basque form of Carmen, meaning “vineyard.” KATERIN: Basque form of Katherine, meaning “pure.” KATIXA: Basque form of Katherine, meaning “pure.” KATTALIN: Basque form of Katherine, meaning “pure.” KEMENA: Feminine form of Basque Kemen, meaning “courage, vigor.” KEMINA: Variant of Basque Kemena, meaning “courage, vigor.” KISTINE (Kistiñe): Basque form of Christine, meaning “follower of Christ.” KOLDOBIKE: Feminine form of Basque Koldobika, meaning “famous warrior.” KONTXESI: Basque name meaning “conception.” KONTZEZIONA: Basque name meaning “conception.” KRABELIN: Basque name meaning “carnation.” KUPINE (Kupiñe): Basque name meaning “compassion.” LAIDA: Basque name derived from the name of a beach in Bizkaia. LARRAITZ: Basque name meaning “our Lady of Abaltzisketa.” LERDEN: Basque name meaning “graceful.” LIDE: Basque form of Lydia, meaning “of Lydia.” LIERNIA: Named after the Basque saint Nuestra Senora de Liernia, the patron saint of mothers without milk or who are unable to conceive. LILI: Basque name meaning “lily.” LILURA: Basque name meaning “enchantment.” LIRAIN: Basque name meaning “lithe.” LORE: Basque name meaning “flower.” LOREA: Variant of Basque Lore, meaning “flower.” LUIXA: Feminine form of Basque Luix, meaning “famous warrior.” LUR: Basque name meaning “earth.” MAHATS: Basque name meaning “grape.” MAIALEN: Basque form of Magdalene, meaning “of Magdala.” MAITAGARRI: Basque name meaning “darling; beloved.” MAITANE: Basque name meaning “love.” MAITE: Basque name meaning “lovable.” MAITEA: Variant of Basque Maite, meaning “lovable.” MAITEDER: Basque form of Darlene, meaning “darling.” MAITENA: Variant of Basque Maiteder, meaning “darling.” MAKATZA: Basque name meaning “untamed; wild.” MALEN: Basque form of Madeline, meaning “of Magdala.” MARITXU: Basque form of Mary, meaning “beloved.” MARTINE (Martiñe): Basque form of Spanish Martina, meaning “of/like Mars.” MARTIXA: Basque form of Spanish Martina, meaning “of/like Mars.” MATXALEN: Basque form of Madeline, meaning “of Magdala.” MENDIA: Basque name meaning “mountain.” MENDIETE: Basque name meaning “virgin.” MIKELE: Feminine form of Basque Mikel, meaning “who is like God?” MIRARI: Basque name meaning “miracle.” MIREN: Basque form of Mary, meaning “beloved.” MITXOLETA: Basque flower name meaning “poppy.” MUSKILDA: Basque name meaning “bud.” NAHIA: Basque name meaning “desire.” NEGU: Basque name meaning “winter.” NEKANE: Basque form of Dolores, meaning “sorrows.” NERE: Basque name meaning “mine.” NEREA: Variant of Basque Nere, meaning “mine.” NIKOLE: Feminine form of Basque Nikola, meaning “victory of the people.” OIHANA: Basque name meaning “forest.” OINAZE: Basque name meaning “pain.” ORO: Basque name meaning “all.” ORREAGA: Basque name meaning “juniper grove.” OSABIDE: Basque name meaning “healing.” OSANE: Basque name meaning “cure, remedy.” OSASUNE: Basque name meaning “health.” OTSANA: Basque name meaning “she-wolf.” OTSANDA: Variant of Basque Otsana, meaning “she-wolf.” PANPOXA: Basque name meaning “beautiful.” PANTXIKE: Feminine form of Basque Pantzeska, meaning “free.” PAULI: Feminine form of Basque Paulin, meaning “small.” PIZKUNDE: Basque name meaning “resurrection.” POZNE: Basque name meaning “happiness.” SAGARI: Basque name meaning “sanctuary.” SAHATS: Basque name meaning “willow.” SORKUNDE: Basque name meaning “conception.” SORNE: Basque name meaning “conception.” TERESE: Basque form of Teresa, meaning “harvester.” TXORI: Basque name meaning “bird.” UDABERRI: Basque name meaning “spring.” UDANE: Basque name meaning “summer.” UDARA: Basque name meaning “summer.” UDAZKEN: Basque name meaning “autumn.” URDIEN (Urdiñe): Variant of Basque Urdina, meaning “blue.” URDINA: Feminine form of Basque Urdin, meaning “blue.” URKIA: Feminine form of Basque Urki, meaning “birch tree.” URREA: Feminine form of Basque Urre, meaning “gold.” URRETXA: Basque name meaning “hazel tree.” URTZA: Basque name meaning “marsh.” USOA: Basque name meaning “dove.” XIMENA: Basque feminine form of Simon, meaning “hearkening.” XIXILI: Basque form of Cecilia, meaning “blind.” XORAMEN: Basque name meaning “delight.” YANAMARI: Basque name meaning “bitter grace.” ZABAL: Basque name meaning “generous.” ZABALETA: Basque name meaning “generous.” ZABALLA: Basque name meaning “generous.” ZANDUA: Basque name meaning “virgin.” ZELAI: Basque name meaning “meadow.” ZORION: Basque unisex name meaning “happiness.” ZORIONE: Feminine form of Basque unisex Zorion, meaning “happiness.” ZUBIA: Basque name meaning “bridge.” ZUHAITZ: Basque unisex name meaning “tree.” ZURINE (Zuriñe): Feminine form of Basque Zuri, meaning “white.”
MUTILEN IZENAK: Basque Male names
ABARRAN: Basque form of Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude.” AINGERU: Basque form of Latin Angelus, meaning “angel, messenger.” AITOR: “Good father.” In the 19th century, French Basque author Augustin Chaho published The Legend of Aitor, based on a belief of the Basque people that they are aitoren semeak, “sons of the good father,” a descendant of biblical Tubal. ALESANDER: Basque form of Alexander, meaning “defender of mankind.” AMETS: Basque unisex name meaning “dream.” ANAIA: Basque name meaning “brother.” ANAUT: Basque form of Arnold, meaning “eagle power.” ANDER: Basque form of Andrew, meaning “man; warrior.” ANDONI: Basque form of Roman Antonius, possibly meaning “invaluable.” ANTTON: Basque form of Roman Antonius, possibly meaning “invaluable.” APAL: Basque name meaning “humble.” ARESTI: Basque name meaning “instant.” ARGI: Basque name meaning “light.” ARGIDER: “Light and beauty.” Basque name derived from the elements argi “light” and eder “beautiful.” ARNAS: Basque name meaning “breath.” AROTZA: Basque name meaning “carpenter.” ARRATS: Basque unisex name meaning “early evening; dusk.” ARTIZAR: Unisex name which means “morningstar; Venus”. ARTZAI: Basque name meaning “shepherd.” ASENTZIO: Basque name meaning “ascension.” ASTIGAR: Basque name meaning “maple.” ATSEDEN: Basque name meaning “rest.” ATZE: Basque name meaning “behind.” ATZO: Basque name meaning “yesterday.” BAKAR: Basque name meaning “alone.” BALENDIN: Basque form of Latin Valentinus, meaning “healthy, strong.” BAREA: Basque name meaning “clam.” BASAJAUN: Basque folklore name, meaning “lord of the woods,” from baso “woods” and jaun “lord.” BENAT (Beñat): Basque form of Bernard, meaning “bold as a bear.” BELASKO: Basque name meaning “raven.” BELTZA: Basque name meaning “black.” BENAT: Basque form of Bernard, meaning “bold as a bear.” BERBIZ: Basque name meaning “resurrection.” BERNAT: Basque form of Bernard, meaning “bold as a bear.” BERO: Basque name meaning “hot.” BETI: Basque form of Peter, meaning “rock; stone.” BIHAR: Basque name meaning “tomorrow.” BIKENDI: Basque form of English Vincent, meaning “conquering.” BINGEN: Basque form of Vincent, meaning “conquering.” BITTOR: Basque form of Roman Victor, meaning “to conquer; victory.” BIXINTXO: Basque form of Vincent, meaning “conquering.” BOLIVAR is “Meadow/riverbank-mill.” Castilian name derived from the Basque place name Bolibar, itself from Basque bolu “mill” and ibar “meadow, riverbank.” DANEL: Basque form of Daniel, meaning “God is my judge.” DEUNORO: Basque name meaning “all saints.” DOMEKA: Basque form of Dominic, meaning “belongs to the lord.” DUNIXI: Basque form of Latin Dionysius, meaning “follower of Dionysos.” EDER: Basque unisex name meaning “beautiful, handsome.” EDORTA: Basque form of English Edward, meaning “guardian of prosperity.” EDUR: Basque name meaning “snow.” EGUN: Basque name meaning “day.” EGUNTSENTI: Basque name meaning “dawn.” EGUZKI: Basque name meaning “sun.” EKAIN: Basque month name meaning “June.” EKAITZ: Basque name meaning “storm.” EKIALDE: Basque name meaning “east.” ELAZAR: Basque form of Eleazar, meaning “my god has helped.” ELEDER: Basque name meaning “eloquent.” ELI: Basque form of Elias, meaning “the Lord is my God.” ELORRI: Basque name meaning “thorn.” ENDIKA: Basque form of Henry, meaning “home-ruler.” ENEKO: Old Basque name meaning “place in the slope of a mountain.” ERLANTZ: Basque form of Visigothic Ferdinand, meaning “journey-prepared.” ERLEA: Basque unisex name meaning “bee.” ERRAMUN: Basque form of English Raymond, meaning “wise protector.” ERRAPEL: Basque form of Raphael, meaning “God has healed.” ERRUKI: Basque name meaning “pious.” ESKUIN: Basque name meaning “right.” ESTEBE: Basque form of Greek Stephanos, meaning “crown.” EZTEBE: Basque form of English Stephen, meaning “crown.” FRANTZES: Basque form of Francis, meaning “free.” FRANTZISKO: Basque form of Latin Franciscus, meaning “free.” GABIREL: Basque form of Gabriel, meaning “strong man of God.” GAIZKA: Basque name meaning “savior.” GANIX: Basque form of John, meaning “God is gracious.” GARAILE: Basque name meaning “champion, victor.” GAROA: Basque name meaning “fern.” GARTZI: Basque name meaning “grace.” GAU: Basque name meaning “night.” GAZTEA: Basque name meaning “youth.” GENTZA: Basque name meaning “peace.” GERGORI: Basque form of Gregory, meaning “watchful; vigilant.” GERO: Basque name meaning “future.” GILEN: Basque form of William, meaning “will-helmet.” GIRO: Basque name meaning “weather.” GIZON: Basque name meaning “man.” GOGO: Basque name meaning “spirit.” GOIZ: Basque name derived from the element goiz, meaning “morning.” GORA: Basque name meaning “exaltation.” GORKA: Basque form of Greek Georgios, meaning “earth-worker, farmer.” GORRI: Basque name meaning “red.” GOTZON: Basque name meaning “angel.” GURUTZ: Basque name meaning “cross.” GUTXI: Basque name meaning “little.” HARITZ: Basque name meaning “oak.” HARKAITZ: Basque name meaning “rock.” HARTZ: Basque name meaning “bear.” HATS: Basque name meaning “breath.” HERENSUGE: Basque legend name of a dragon, meaning “dragon.” HIBAI: Basque name meaning “river.” HODEI: Basque name meaning “cloud.” HORI: Basque name meaning “yellow.” IBAR: Basque name meaning “valley.” IGON: Basque name meaning “ascension.” IHINTZA: Basque unisex name meaning “dew.” IKATZ: Basque name meaning “coal.” IMANOL: Basque form of biblical Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us.” INAKI (Iñaki): Basque form of Latin Ignatius, possibly meaning “unknowing.” INDAR: Basque name meaning “strength.” INEKO: Probably a Basque form of Latin Ignatius, possibly meaning “unknowing.” ION: Basque and Romanian form of John, meaning “God is gracious.” IPAR: Basque name meaning “north.” ITURRI: Basque name meaning “fountain.” ITZAINA: Basque name meaning “shepherd.” ITZAL: Basque name meaning “shadow.” IXAKA: Basque form of Isaac, meaning “he will laugh.” IXIDOR: Basque form of Isidor, meaning “gift of Isis.” IZOTZ: Basque name meaning “ice.” JAKES: Basque form of Jacob, meaning “supplanter.” JOANES: Basque form of English John, meaning “God is gracious.” JOKIN: Basque form of Joachim, meaning “established by God.” JON: Basque and Scandinavian form of English John, meaning “God is gracious.” JOSEBA: Basque form of Joseph, meaning “(God) shall add,” which is usually taken to mean “God will add another son.” JOSEPE: Basque form of Joseph, meaning “(God) shall add,” which is usually taken to mean “God will add another son.” JOSU: Basque form of Jesus, meaning “Yahweh is salvation.” JULEN: Basque form of Roman Julianus, possibly meaning “soft-bearded,” a symbo KEMEN: Basque name meaning “courage, vigor.” KEPA: Basque form of Aramaic Cephas, meaning “rock.” KERMAN: Basque form of Roman Germanus, meaning “brother.” KIMETZ: Basque name meaning “sprout.” KERBASI: Basque name meaning “warrior.” KOLDO: Nickname for Basque Koldobika, meaning “famous warrior.” KOLDOBIKA: Basque form of French Louis, meaning “famous warrior.” LAURENDI: Basque form of Laurence, meaning “of Laurentum.” LAURENTZI: Basque form of Laurence, meaning “of Laurentum.” LEHOI: Basque name meaning “Lion.” LER: Basque name meaning “pine.” LERTXUN: Basque name meaning “aspen.” LIHER: Masculine form of Basque Liernia, the patron saint of mothers without milk or who are unable to conceive. LIZAR: Basque name meaning “ash.” LIZARDI: Basque name meaning “ash tree grove.” LON: Basque form of Leon, meaning “lion.” LORE: Basque unisex name meaning “flower.” LUIX: Basque form of Luis, meaning “famous warrior.” LUKEN: Basque form of Roman Lucianus, meaning “light.” LUZEA: Basque name meaning “long.” MARKEL: Basque form of Roman Martialis, meaning “of Mars.” MARKO: Basque, Bulgarian, and Ukrainian form of Latin Mark, meaning “warlike.” MARTZEL: Basque form of Roman Marcellus, meaning “warlike.” MARZ: Basque form of Latin Mark, meaning “warlike.” MATIA: Basque form of Matthew, meaning “gift of God.” MATTIN: Basque form of Latin Martinus, meaning “of/like Mars.” MATXIN: Basque form of Latin Martinus, meaning “of/like Mars.” MENDEBAL: Basque name meaning “west.” MIKEL: Basque form of Michael, meaning “who is like God?” MITXEL: Basque form of Michael, meaning “who is like God?” NIKOLA: Basque, Bulgarian and Hungarian form of Nicholas, meaning “victory of the people.” ODOL: Basque name meaning “blood.” ORKATZ: Basque name meaning “deer.” OROITZ: Basque name meaning “memory.” ORTLE: Basque name meaning “firmament.” ORTZI: Basque name meaning “sky.” OSKARBI: Basque name meaning “clear sky.” OSTADAR: Basque name meaning “rainbow.” OSTARGI: Basque name meaning “aurora.” OSTOTS: Basque name meaning “thunder.” OTSOA: Basque name meaning “wolf.” OTSOKO: Basque name meaning “wolf cub.” PANTZESKA: Basque form of Latin Franciscus, meaning “free.” PATXI: Pet form of Basque Pantzeska, meaning “free.” PAULIN: Basque form of Paul, meaning “small.” PAULO: Basque form of Paul, meaning “small.” PEIO: Basque form of Peter, meaning “rock; stone.” PELI: Basque form of Felix, meaning “lucky.” PERU: Basque form of Peter, meaning “rock; stone.” PETRI: Basque form of Peter, meaning “rock; stone.” SALBATORE: Basque name meaning “savior.” SANTUTXO: Basque name meaning “little saint.” SEME: Basque name meaning “son.” SENDOA: Basque name meaning “strong.” SU: Basque name meaning “fire.” TEOBALDO: Basque form of Theobald, meaning “people-bold.” TIBALT: Basque form of Theobald, meaning “people-bold.” TIPI: Basque name meaning “small.” TODOR: Basque form of Theodore, meaning “gift of God.” TUBAL: Biblical name of a son of Japheth, and possibly the ancestor of the Basques (see Aitor). TXATXU: Basque name meaning “foolish.” TXERU: Basque name meaning “sky.” TXILAR: Basque name meaning “heather.” TXOMIN: Basque form of English Dominic, meaning “belongs to the lord.” UHIN: Basque name meaning “ocean wave.” UMEA: Basque name meaning “child.” UNAI: Basque name meaning “shepherd.” UR: Basque name meaning “water.” URDIN: Basque name meaning “blue.” URKI: Basque name meaning “birch tree.” URRE: Basque name meaning “gold.” XABIER: Basque and Galician form of English Xavier, meaning “a new house.” XALBADOR: Basque name meaning “savior.” XANTI: Basque form of Spanish Santiago, meaning “Saint Iago.” XARLES: Basque form of Charles, meaning “man.” XIMON: Variant of Basque Ximun, meaning “hearkening.” XIMUN: Basque form of Greek Simon, meaning “hearkening.” YULI: Basque name meaning “youthful.” ZERU: Basque name meaning “sky.” ZIGOR: Basque name meaning “punishment.” ZILAR: Basque name meaning “silver.” ZORION: Basque unisex name meaning “happiness.” ZUHAITZ: Basque unisex name meaning “tree.” ZUMAR: Basque name meaning “elm.” ZURI: Basque name meaning “white.” ZUZEN: Basque name meaning “fair, just.”