Do you use camp names? Although I love camp names, they can become repetitive after a while. How many “Sunshines” can one camp have? My camp name is Moose. There’s another one that’s overused, but I like it. I have compiled a list of over 350 500 camp names. Why? Because I know it can be difficult for new staff to come up with a good one.
If your new staff can’t seem to come up with a good alias, let them look over the list. If your camp doesn’t do the whole “camp name thing” I suggest you consider it. My staff have always gotten into it and the campers love it (even the parents think it’s neat). After all, it’s easier to distinguish between 3 male counselors know as Jedi, Sport and Possum then it is to have three counselors known by their real names of Mike, Mike and Mike (not to mention that it’s a lot more fun).
I want to thank Smudge, cedar trees, Indigo, campkgurl and goof_oak on the ACA message boards for helping me with this list as well as all those who have left comments allowing me to add their names.
- Ace
- Airborne
- Ajax
- Aladdin
- Alpha
- Alpine
- Amethyst
- Angel
- Ape
- Apollo
- Artemis
- Aspen
- Astro
- Athena
- Atlantis
- Atlas
- Aussie
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Avalanche
- Bach
- Bacon
- Badger
- Baja
- Bam Bam
- Bambi
- Bandicoot
- Banjo
- Banzai
- Barnacle
- Bazooka
- Bean
- Bear
- Beetle
- Beta
- Bigfoot
- Bilbo
- Bingo
- Blackjack
- Blaze
- Blossom
- Blue
- Bobcat
- Bobo
- Bonbon
- Bonsai
- Boom Boom
- Boomer
- Braveheart
- Bravo
- Breeze
- Broadway
- Bronco
- Bubba
- Bubbles
- Buckeye
- Buckaroo
- Buddy
- Buffy
- Bullwinkle
- Bunny
- Burt (and Ernie)
- Buttercup
- Butterfly
- Butterscotch
- Buzz
- Cactus
- Cali
- Calico
- Calypso
- Cannonball
- Captain
- Casper
- Castaway
- Caveman
- Cedar
- Cheddar
- Cheetah
- Cheshire
- Chewy
- Chipmunk
- Choco
- Choo-Choo
- Chords
- Chowder
- Chuckwagon
- Chunk
- Cinder
- Cinnamon
- Cisco
- Clover
- Coach
- Cobra
- Coco
- Cocopuff
- Coda
- Colonel
- Conan
- Condor
- Cookie
- Cookie Monster
- Coral
- Cottonwood
- Cougar
- Cousteau
- Cowboy
- Coyote
- Crash
- Crazy Horse
- Cricket
- Critter
- Crumb
- Crush
- Cuckoo
- Cupcake
- Cyclone
- Da Vinci
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dagwood
- Dandelion
- Dash
- Deja vu
- Deuce
- Dew
- Dexter
- Diamond
- Diamondback
- Digger
- Dingo
- Dino
- Ditto
- Dobby
- Doc
- Dogwood
- Domino
- Donut
- Doodle
- Dot
- Dove
- Dragonfly
- Dragon Rider
- Dreamer
- Dude
- Ducky
- Duke
- Dunk
- Dusty
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Eeyore
- Einstein
- Elf
- Ember
- Endo
- Ernie (and Burt)
- Everest
- Fable
- Fajita
- Falcon
- Fandango
- Fang
- Fauna
- Felix
- Ferret
- Fiesta
- Fire
- Firebug
- Firefly
- Fishbone
- Flash
- Flipper
- Flower
- Footloose
- Fox
- Fozzi
- Frankenstein
- Freckles
- Friday
- Frodo
- Frogger
- Froggy
- Fuzzy
- Gadget
- Gator
- Gecko
- Gemini
- Genesis
- Geronimo
- Giggles
- Gilligan
- Gizmo
- Glitter
- Goldilocks
- Goofy
- Gopher
- Gorilla
- Gremlin
- Greystoke
- Griffin
- Grizzly
- Gumby
- Gummy Bear
- Guppy
- Gus
- Gypsy
- Hammerhead
- Happy Feet
- Harmony
- Havoc
- Hawk
- Hawkeye
- Hercules
- Hermes
- Hermit
- Hero
- Hickory
- High Tide
- Hip Hop
- Hollywood
- Honey Bear
- Hook
- Hoots
- Houdini
- Hound
- Hubba Bubba
- Hurricane
- Ice
- Iceman
- Indie
- Indigo
- Iris
- Iroq
- Ivy
- Jackpot
- Jade
- Jasper
- Jazz
- Jedi
- Jelly Bean
- Jewel
- Jet
- Jib-Jab
- Jinx
- Journey
- Jubilee
- Juju
- Jupiter
- K-9
- Kalamazoo
- Kaleidoscope
- Karma
- Katmandu
- Kazoo
- Kermit
- Kiki
- Kindle
- Kit
- Kit Kat
- Kiwi
- Koala
- Ladybug
- Lancelot
- Lego
- Lemonade
- Leo
- Lightning
- Lionheart
- Lion-o
- Lizard
- Loki
- Luna
- Lynx
- M&M
- Mac
- Mad Max
- Maestro
- Malibu
- Maui
- Maverick
- Meadow
- Meatloaf
- Melody
- Mercury
- Merlin
- Mermaid
- Metro
- Micky
- Midas
- Midnight
- Minnie
- Mist
- Mojo
- Money
- Mongoose
- Monkey
- Moon River
- Moon Shadow
- Moondance
- Moonstone
- Moose
- Morningstar
- Mouse
- Mozart
- Muse
- Mustang
- Mutt
- Myth
- Nacho
- Nala
- Nemo
- Neptune
- Nerf
- New York
- Newton
- Nikita
- Ninja
- Nitro
- Nomad
- Nugget
- Oak
- Odin
- Omega
- Oreo
- Orion
- Otter
- Oz
- Padfoot
- Panda
- Panther
- Papa Bear
- Papa Smurf
- Pathfinder
- Paws
- Pax
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pebbles
- Pegasus
- Pelican
- Penguin
- Pepper
- Petra
- Phoenix
- Picasso
- Pickles
- Pigglet
- Pink
- Piper
- Pirate
- Piston
- Pixie
- Pixie Stix
- Pluto
- Pogo
- Polo
- Ponderosa
- Pong
- Popeye
- Poppy
- Pops
- Poseidon
- Possum
- Presto
- Pringles
- Professor
- Pumpkin
- Quicksilver
- Rabbit
- Radar
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Raven
- Rawhide
- Razzle
- Razzleberry
- Razzmatazz
- Rebel
- Red
- Redtail
- Redwood
- Reef
- Rhapsody
- Rhino
- Rider
- Riffraff
- River
- Rob Roy
- Robinhood
- Rocket
- Rock
- Rocky
- Rodeo
- Rogue
- Rolo
- Roo
- Rooster
- Ropes
- Royal
- Rubber Ducky
- Rudy
- Rugrat
- Saber
- Sahara
- Sailor
- Samson
- Sapphire
- Sasquatch
- Sassafras
- Scooby
- Scooter
- Scorch
- Scorpio
- Scout
- Sea Dog
- Sea Breeze
- Seal
- Sequoia
- Shadow
- Shakespeare
- Shamrock
- Sharkey
- Sharkbait
- Shazam
- Shipwreck
- Short Stack
- Shrek
- Sierra
- Silver
- Sinbad
- Siren
- Skeeter
- Skipper
- Skippy
- Skittles
- Sky
- Sky Hawk
- Skywalker
- Snake
- Snickers
- Snoopy
- Snow
- Snowflake
- Snuggles
- Solo
- Solstice
- Sonic
- Southpaw
- Spam
- Spanky
- Sparkles
- Sparkplug
- Sparrow
- Special K
- Speedy
- Spice
- Spider
- Spike
- Spirit
- Splash
- Spork
- Sport
- Sprinkles
- Spite
- Spyro
- Squirrel
- Star
- Star Gazer
- Starburst
- Stardust
- Starfish
- Starlight
- Sting
- Stingray
- Storm
- Stripes
- Sugar
- Summit
- Sundance
- Sunflower
- Sunny
- Sunrise
- Sunshine
- Superstar
- Swan
- Sweet Pea
- Swizzle
- Sycamore
- Ta-Dah
- Tango
- Tank
- Tarzan
- Taz
- Tempest
- Thor
- Thorn
- Thumper
- Thunder
- Tick
- Tiger
- Tigerlily
- Tigger
- Timber
- Tinker
- Tinkerbell
- Titan
- Toad
- Tomahawk
- Tonks
- Tootsie
- Torch
- Tornado
- Trailblazer
- Tree
- Trixy
- Troll
- Tsunami
- Tulip
- Tumbleweed
- Tuna
- Turbo
- Turtle
- Tweety
- Twilight
- Twinkie
- Twix
- Typhoon
- Unicorn
- Venus
- Viper
- Wallaby
- Weasel
- Weeble
- Whisper
- Wild Bill
- Wildcat
- Wildebeest
- Wildwood
- Wiley
- Willow
- Wings
- Wizard
- Wolf
- Wolverine
- Woods
- Woody
- Wonka
- Xena
- Ya-Ya
- Yahoo
- Yeah-Yeah
- Yoda
- Yogi
- Yosemite
- Zen
- Zero
- ZigZag
- Zip
- Zombie
- Zoom
- Zeus
Q: What are camp names for counselors?
A: Camp names for counselors are nicknames that camp staff use to identify themselves to the campers and other staff. They are usually fun, creative, and related to the camp theme or the counselor’s personality.
Q: Why do camp counselors use camp names?
A: To create a sense of community and camaraderie among the staff and campers
To protect their privacy and personal information from strangers
To enhance the camp experience and atmosphere
Q: How can I choose a camp name for myself?
A: Your interests, hobbies, or passions
Your favorite animals, characters, or places
Your skills, talents, or traits
Your initials, nicknames, or puns
Q: Where can I find some examples of camp names for counselors?
A: Online websites, such as this one, this one, or this one
Books, magazines, or blogs that feature camp stories or tips
Other camp counselors or staff that you know or meet
Your imagination and creativity
Q: What are some tips for counselors on using camp names?
A: Choose a camp name that is easy to remember, pronounce, and spell
Avoid camp names that are offensive, inappropriate, or confusing
Be consistent and confident with your camp name
Have fun and enjoy your camp name