Over 500 Camp Names for Staff

Do you use camp names? Although I love camp names, they can become repetitive after a while. How many “Sunshines” can one camp have? My camp name is Moose. There’s another one that’s overused, but I like it. I have compiled a list of over 350 500 camp names. Why? Because I know it can be difficult for new staff to come up with a good one.

Table of Contents

If your new staff can’t seem to come up with a good alias, let them look over the list. If your camp doesn’t do the whole “camp name thing” I suggest you consider it. My staff have always gotten into it and the campers love it (even the parents think it’s neat). After all, it’s easier to distinguish between 3 male counselors know as Jedi, Sport and Possum then it is to have three counselors known by their real names of Mike, Mike and Mike (not to mention that it’s a lot more fun).

I want to thank Smudge, cedar trees, Indigo, campkgurl and goof_oak on the ACA message boards for helping me with this list as well as all those who have left comments allowing me to add their names.

  1. Ace
  2. Airborne
  3. Ajax
  4. Aladdin
  5. Alpha
  6. Alpine
  7. Amethyst
  8. Angel
  9. Ape
  10. Apollo
  11. Artemis
  12. Aspen
  13. Astro
  14. Athena
  15. Atlantis
  16. Atlas
  17. Aussie
  18. Aurora
  19. Autumn
  20. Avalanche
  21. Bach
  22. Bacon
  23. Badger
  24. Baja
  25. Bam Bam
  26. Bambi
  27. Bandicoot
  28. Banjo
  29. Banzai
  30. Barnacle
  31. Bazooka
  32. Bean
  33. Bear
  34. Beetle
  35. Beta
  36. Bigfoot
  37. Bilbo
  38. Bingo
  39. Blackjack
  40. Blaze
  41. Blossom
  42. Blue
  43. Bobcat
  44. Bobo
  45. Bonbon
  46. Bonsai
  47. Boom Boom
  48. Boomer
  49. Braveheart
  50. Bravo
  51. Breeze
  52. Broadway
  53. Bronco
  54. Bubba
  55. Bubbles
  56. Buckeye
  57. Buckaroo
  58. Buddy
  59. Buffy
  60. Bullwinkle
  61. Bunny
  62. Burt (and Ernie)
  63. Buttercup
  64. Butterfly
  65. Butterscotch
  66. Buzz
  67. Cactus
  68. Cali
  69. Calico
  70. Calypso
  71. Cannonball
  72. Captain
  73. Casper
  74. Castaway
  75. Caveman
  76. Cedar
  77. Cheddar
  78. Cheetah
  79. Cheshire
  80. Chewy
  81. Chipmunk
  82. Choco
  83. Choo-Choo
  84. Chords
  85. Chowder
  86. Chuckwagon
  87. Chunk
  88. Cinder
  89. Cinnamon
  90. Cisco
  91. Clover
  92. Coach
  93. Cobra
  94. Coco
  95. Cocopuff
  96. Coda
  97. Colonel
  98. Conan
  99. Condor
  1. Cookie
  2. Cookie Monster
  3. Coral
  4. Cottonwood
  5. Cougar
  6. Cousteau
  7. Cowboy
  8. Coyote
  9. Crash
  10. Crazy Horse
  11. Cricket
  12. Critter
  13. Crumb
  14. Crush
  15. Cuckoo
  16. Cupcake
  17. Cyclone
  18. Da Vinci
  19. Daisy
  20. Dakota
  21. Dagwood
  22. Dandelion
  23. Dash
  24. Deja vu
  25. Deuce
  26. Dew
  27. Dexter
  28. Diamond
  29. Diamondback
  30. Digger
  31. Dingo
  32. Dino
  33. Ditto
  34. Dobby
  35. Doc
  36. Dogwood
  37. Domino
  38. Donut
  39. Doodle
  40. Dot
  41. Dove
  42. Dragonfly
  43. Dragon Rider
  44. Dreamer
  45. Dude
  46. Ducky
  47. Duke
  48. Dunk
  49. Dusty
  50. Echo
  51. Eclipse
  52. Eeyore
  53. Einstein
  54. Elf
  55. Ember
  56. Endo
  57. Ernie (and Burt)
  58. Everest
  59. Fable
  60. Fajita
  61. Falcon
  62. Fandango
  63. Fang
  64. Fauna
  65. Felix
  66. Ferret
  67. Fiesta
  68. Fire
  69. Firebug
  70. Firefly
  71. Fishbone
  72. Flash
  73. Flipper
  74. Flower
  75. Footloose
  76. Fox
  77. Fozzi
  78. Frankenstein
  79. Freckles
  80. Friday
  81. Frodo
  82. Frogger
  83. Froggy
  84. Fuzzy
  85. Gadget
  86. Gator
  87. Gecko
  88. Gemini
  89. Genesis
  90. Geronimo
  91. Giggles
  92. Gilligan
  93. Gizmo
  94. Glitter
  95. Goldilocks
  96. Goofy
  97. Gopher
  98. Gorilla
  99. Gremlin
  100. Greystoke
  1. Griffin
  2. Grizzly
  3. Gumby
  4. Gummy Bear
  5. Guppy
  6. Gus
  7. Gypsy
  8. Hammerhead
  9. Happy Feet
  10. Harmony
  11. Havoc
  12. Hawk
  13. Hawkeye
  14. Hercules
  15. Hermes
  16. Hermit
  17. Hero
  18. Hickory
  19. High Tide
  20. Hip Hop
  21. Hollywood
  22. Honey Bear
  23. Hook
  24. Hoots
  25. Houdini
  26. Hound
  27. Hubba Bubba
  28. Hurricane
  29. Ice
  30. Iceman
  31. Indie
  32. Indigo
  33. Iris
  34. Iroq
  35. Ivy
  36. Jackpot
  37. Jade
  38. Jasper
  39. Jazz
  40. Jedi
  41. Jelly Bean
  42. Jewel
  43. Jet
  44. Jib-Jab
  45. Jinx
  46. Journey
  47. Jubilee
  48. Juju
  49. Jupiter
  50. K-9
  51. Kalamazoo
  52. Kaleidoscope
  53. Karma
  54. Katmandu
  55. Kazoo
  56. Kermit
  57. Kiki
  58. Kindle
  59. Kit
  60. Kit Kat
  61. Kiwi
  62. Koala
  63. Ladybug
  64. Lancelot
  65. Lego
  66. Lemonade
  67. Leo
  68. Lightning
  69. Lionheart
  70. Lion-o
  71. Lizard
  72. Loki
  73. Luna
  74. Lynx
  75. M&M
  76. Mac
  77. Mad Max
  78. Maestro
  79. Malibu
  80. Maui
  81. Maverick
  82. Meadow
  83. Meatloaf
  84. Melody
  85. Mercury
  86. Merlin
  87. Mermaid
  88. Metro
  89. Micky
  90. Midas
  91. Midnight
  92. Minnie
  93. Mist
  94. Mojo
  95. Money
  96. Mongoose
  97. Monkey
  98. Moon River
  99. Moon Shadow
  100. Moondance
  1. Moonstone
  2. Moose
  3. Morningstar
  4. Mouse
  5. Mozart
  6. Muse
  7. Mustang
  8. Mutt
  9. Myth
  10. Nacho
  11. Nala
  12. Nemo
  13. Neptune
  14. Nerf
  15. New York
  16. Newton
  17. Nikita
  18. Ninja
  19. Nitro
  20. Nomad
  21. Nugget
  22. Oak
  23. Odin
  24. Omega
  25. Oreo
  26. Orion
  27. Otter
  28. Oz
  29. Padfoot
  30. Panda
  31. Panther
  32. Papa Bear
  33. Papa Smurf
  34. Pathfinder
  35. Paws
  36. Pax
  37. Peaches
  38. Peanut
  39. Pebbles
  40. Pegasus
  41. Pelican
  42. Penguin
  43. Pepper
  44. Petra
  45. Phoenix
  46. Picasso
  47. Pickles
  48. Pigglet
  49. Pink
  50. Piper
  51. Pirate
  52. Piston
  53. Pixie
  54. Pixie Stix
  55. Pluto
  56. Pogo
  57. Polo
  58. Ponderosa
  59. Pong
  60. Popeye
  61. Poppy
  62. Pops
  63. Poseidon
  64. Possum
  65. Presto
  66. Pringles
  67. Professor
  68. Pumpkin
  69. Quicksilver
  70. Rabbit
  71. Radar
  72. Rain
  73. Rainbow
  74. Ranger
  75. Rascal
  76. Raven
  77. Rawhide
  78. Razzle
  79. Razzleberry
  80. Razzmatazz
  81. Rebel
  82. Red
  83. Redtail
  84. Redwood
  85. Reef
  86. Rhapsody
  87. Rhino
  88. Rider
  89. Riffraff
  90. River
  91. Rob Roy
  92. Robinhood
  93. Rocket
  94. Rock
  95. Rocky
  96. Rodeo
  97. Rogue
  98. Rolo
  99. Roo
  100. Rooster
  101. Ropes
  102. Royal
  103. Rubber Ducky
  104. Rudy
  105. Rugrat
  106. Saber
  107. Sahara
  108. Sailor
  109. Samson
  110. Sapphire
  111. Sasquatch
  112. Sassafras
  113. Scooby
  114. Scooter
  115. Scorch
  116. Scorpio
  117. Scout
  118. SCUBA
  119. Sea Dog
  120. Sea Breeze
  121. Seal
  122. Sequoia
  123. Shadow
  124. Shakespeare
  125. Shamrock
  126. Sharkey
  127. Sharkbait
  128. Shazam
  129. Shipwreck
  130. Short Stack
  131. Shrek
  132. Sierra
  133. Silver
  134. Sinbad
  135. Siren
  136. Skeeter
  137. Skipper
  138. Skippy
  139. Skittles
  140. Sky
  141. Sky Hawk
  142. Skywalker
  143. Snake
  144. Snickers
  145. Snoopy
  146. Snow
  147. Snowflake
  148. Snuggles
  149. Solo
  150. Solstice
  151. Sonic
  152. Southpaw
  153. Spam
  154. Spanky
  155. Sparkles
  156. Sparkplug
  157. Sparrow
  158. Special K
  159. Speedy
  160. Spice
  161. Spider
  162. Spike
  163. Spirit
  164. Splash
  165. Spork
  166. Sport
  167. Sprinkles
  168. Spite
  169. Spyro
  170. Squirrel
  171. Star
  172. Star Gazer
  173. Starburst
  174. Stardust
  175. Starfish
  176. Starlight
  177. Sting
  178. Stingray
  179. Storm
  180. Stripes
  181. Sugar
  182. Summit
  183. Sundance
  184. Sunflower
  185. Sunny
  186. Sunrise
  187. Sunshine
  188. Superstar
  189. Swan
  190. Sweet Pea
  191. Swizzle
  192. Sycamore
  193. Ta-Dah
  194. Tango
  195. Tank
  196. Tarzan
  197. Taz
  198. Tempest
  199. Thor
  200. Thorn
  201. Thumper
  202. Thunder
  203. Tick
  204. Tiger
  205. Tigerlily
  206. Tigger
  207. Timber
  208. Tinker
  209. Tinkerbell
  210. Titan
  211. Toad
  212. Tomahawk
  213. Tonks
  214. Tootsie
  215. Torch
  216. Tornado
  217. Trailblazer
  218. Tree
  219. Trixy
  220. Troll
  221. Tsunami
  222. Tulip
  223. Tumbleweed
  224. Tuna
  225. Turbo
  226. Turtle
  227. Tweety
  228. Twilight
  229. Twinkie
  230. Twix
  231. Typhoon
  232. Unicorn
  233. Venus
  234. Viper
  235. Wallaby
  236. Weasel
  237. Weeble
  238. Whisper
  239. Wild Bill
  240. Wildcat
  241. Wildebeest
  242. Wildwood
  243. Wiley
  244. Willow
  245. Wings
  246. Wizard
  247. Wolf
  248. Wolverine
  249. Woods
  250. Woody
  251. Wonka
  252. Xena
  253. Ya-Ya
  254. Yahoo
  255. Yeah-Yeah
  256. Yoda
  257. Yogi
  258. Yosemite
  259. Zen
  260. Zero
  261. ZigZag
  262. Zip
  263. Zombie
  264. Zoom
  265. Zeus


Q: What are camp names for counselors? 

A: Camp names for counselors are nicknames that camp staff use to identify themselves to the campers and other staff. They are usually fun, creative, and related to the camp theme or the counselor’s personality.

Q: Why do camp counselors use camp names? 

A: To create a sense of community and camaraderie among the staff and campers

To protect their privacy and personal information from strangers

To enhance the camp experience and atmosphere

Q: How can I choose a camp name for myself? 

A: Your interests, hobbies, or passions

Your favorite animals, characters, or places

Your skills, talents, or traits

Your initials, nicknames, or puns

Q: Where can I find some examples of camp names for counselors? 

A: Online websites, such as this one, this one, or this one

Books, magazines, or blogs that feature camp stories or tips

Other camp counselors or staff that you know or meet

Your imagination and creativity

Q: What are some tips for counselors on using camp names? 

A: Choose a camp name that is easy to remember, pronounce, and spell

Avoid camp names that are offensive, inappropriate, or confusing

Be consistent and confident with your camp name

Have fun and enjoy your camp name

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