Fantasy World Name Generator
Writing a fantasy novel? You’ll need a spectacular name for the fantasy world that your story is set in. You can find hundreds of unique realm names that you can use in your fantasy story using our magic fantasy world name generator. Get a printable world name generator by reading on!
The random world name generator is great to name fantasy continents or fictional worlds. You can even use it as inspiration for writing your fantasy novel (see our fantasy writing prompts). Try out our fantasy world name generator now:
Random Fantasy World Name Generator
Looking for some really good fantasy world names – Have you tried creating your own? Check out our guidelines to help you create your fantasy world name.
If you are interested in writing fantasy novels, we have a great fantasy book title generator as well as a generator for fantasy characters names that will be a real inspiration.
Create Your Own World Name
Coming up with unique fantasy world names (or realm names) can be very difficult. It’s so hard not to copy name ideas that are already out there. But we got a couple of really cool techniques to help you come up with some unique world name ideas that will amaze your readers:
- Adjective technique
- World names based on nouns
- Combining Nouns for ultra uniqueness
Adjective Technique
The first technique is super easy. Make a list of appropriate adjectives for your fantasy novel. Some examples might include:
- Magic
- Dream
- Broken
- Lonely
- Ethereal
- And so on…
Now make a list of synonyms for the word, ‘world’. Synonyms are words that can be used in place of a specific word. In this case, we are looking for synonyms for the word, ‘world’. Some examples may include:
- Lands
- Planet
- Realm
- Vales
- Province
- Kingdom
You could also include loose or close synonyms like woods, ocean or lake in this list. The final step is to combine the adjectives and your world synonyms. And here is what you might get:
- The Ancient Lands
- The Dream Empire
- The Mist Universe
- The Golden Barrows
- The Ethereal Isles
- And so on…
World Names Based On Nouns
The second technique is just as easy as the first one. Next, create a list of synonyms for your world. Here is a sample of our list:
- Nexus
- Sanctuary
- Lands
- Country
- Kingdom
- Reach
- And so on…
Next, make a separate list of nouns related to your fantasy novel. Here is our example list of fantasy nouns:
- Princesses
- Frogs
- Elves
- Angels
- Locust
- And so on…
Finally combine the two lists to create your own world name. Here is what you might get:
- Realm of the Warriors
- Empire of the Locust
- Yonder of the Elves
- Kingdom of the Kings
- Barrows of the Witches
- And so on…
Combining Nouns for ultra uniqueness
Now this is the golden technique for creating your own fantasy world names. Although it may seem difficult at first, practice makes perfect. You will need to create a list similar to the one you used in the previous techniques. Here is our list of nouns:
- Princesses
- Frogs
- Elves
- Angels
- Locust
- And so on…
Next bring in your list of world synonyms that you created in the previous techniques. Here is our sample list:
- Nexus
- Sanctuary
- Lands
- Country
- Kingdom
- Reach
- And so on…
Now comes the hard part. Take the first three characters of a random noun. For example for the noun, Angels – I will take the letters, ‘Ang’.
Take the first three characters of a random noun one more time. For example with the noun, Dragons, I get ‘Dra’.
Next, choose a random synonym for a world from your list. Take the last three characters of this word. For example with, ‘Region’, we get ‘ion’.
Combine all the letters to create your fantasy world name. We get the following world name: Angdraion in our example. It’s not bad, is it? And here are some more we created:
- Warwitalm
- Frokinout
- Devbotows
- Wareldsle
- Golredout
And to really put the icing on the cake, you can combine the previous two techniques with this last one to come up with one mighty cool world name idea. Just take a look at these examples:
- Warwitalm, Realm of the Warriors
- Elvgiader, Yonder of the Elves
- Anglosdom, Kingdom of the Angels
- Loswarire, Empire of the Lost
- Witfroley, Valley of the Witches
Try these techniques out yourself and let us know what world names you can come up with!
Are you looking for more world names ideas? You can try our planet name generator. For a magical feel, try our forest name generator.
Fantasy World Name Generator Printable
If you could own a world, what would it be called? No need to think about it, just use our printable world name generator to get your world name based on your first name, last name and month of birthday:
Random World Name Ideas
Did you enjoy using our fantasy world name generator? Leave your comments below with your ideas and thoughts about names for fantasy worlds.
Q: What makes a cool world name?
A: Some elements that make for a cool-sounding world name include using made-up words that feel linguistically consistent, descriptive names that give a sense of the world’s features or culture, and names with mythological, historical, or literary references. Alliteration and unusual spellings can also make world names more memorable and imaginative.
Q: What are some examples of cool world names?
A: – Pandora (Avatar)
– Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia)
– Tatooine (Star Wars)
– Panem (The Hunger Games)
– Terabithia (Bridge to Terabithia)
– Midkemia (The Riftwar Saga)
– Tarkir (Magic: The Gathering)
Q: What naming conventions make for cool world names?
A: Some naming conventions that can make for imaginative world names include:
– Playing with syllables, sounds, and spellings
– Using made-up prefixes and suffixes
– Referencing mythology, history, or languages
– Naming after geographical features
– Reflecting the world’s culture or people
– Incorporating numbers, colors, directions