Are you a senior cheerleader in high school looking for photo ideas to make senior pictures? I’ve got you covered! Let’s look at a few different location ideas and props to bring along with you!
Many of your best high school memories will be created Friday nights at the football stadium. That’s why the 50 yard line of your high school football field is a great place to start! We took some of Faith’s senior cheerleading pictures on the 50 yard line of her high school in Norman, Oklahoma. This is the first shot, which Faith’s mom found on Pinterest. She wanted to recreate it. It turned out beautifully with her on her side and her gorgeous hair falling around.

A cute cheer pose for the 50 yard line is to lie down on your stomach and have your pom-poms next to you. Faith is smiling and laughing at the camera. It’s a very candid moment.

You can also bring your medals and rings as well as your letterman jacket for cheer pictures. Faith won Oklahoma state with her cheer squad her junior year. She brought her state championship metal for senior photos and her ring. She also brought along her letterman’s jacket with her state patch on it.

A great idea for senior cheerleading photos is to include images of the high school football stadium. We captured some images of Faith in front of bleachers and another with her up in them.

This set is one of my favorites! The colors of her uniform and chairs match perfectly. Her gold pom-poms add a little contrast.

In-studio cheerleading photos are another option, just like the Abbigayle senior session! These photos have a totally different feel than the cheer pictures outside, and I love them as much!

Do you have any other cute ideas for cheer poses that I haven’t thought of? Please leave them in the comments to let me know.
Do you want to get the best out of your senior session Brandi Price Photography, Book Now! I’d love to get you scheduled and prepped for your senior pictures!
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Brandi Price Photography, a senior photographer, is now booking Senior Portrait Sessions Class 2022 (summer/fall sessions) in the Oklahoma City region.
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I would be honored to photograph you for senior portraits.