Choosing a baby name is one of the first big decisions you’ll make as a parent. Looking for a classic baby name or one that’s more unique is always a hustle. People are inclined to names with great a meaning behind them, and as a result, religious names appeal to a wider audience. What are some of the exciting monk names that may be used as baby names?
Monks are considered religious people and are given titles as part of their initiation. In the quest for spiritual nourishment and religious life, they separate themselves from society to live either alone or in an organized community.
This can be seen as a way of self-sacrifice, perseverance, and spiritual strength; hence monk names can be defined as names that signify inner peace, strength and spiritual nourishment.
Here is a guide to help you choose the perfect monk name for your child, gaming character, or a fictional character for your book.
Female monk names
While some people opt for energetic, rough and tough names, there are still others drawn to monikers with spiritual connections. Here is a list of spiritual monk names female characters:
- Achara – An angel who is very pretty or beautiful
- Goldeheve (Yiddish Origin) – means the one with a sixth sense and high awareness of self
- Altansarnai -Golden rose
- Chomdem (Tibetan Origin) – means she who overcomes the negative
- Altantsetseg – Golden flower
- Bayarmaa – Mother of joy
- Amanthi – Peace protector
- Cahya (Indonesian Origin) – means the one who brings light to the darkness
- Angkasa – The sky
- Tōkū – Ascend sky
- Tokogyo – Virtuous walking
- Busarakham – Yellow sapphire
- Chomdem (Tibetan origin) – means she who overcomes the negative
- Anong – A gorgeous woman.
- Aom – To encircle or to embrace
- Beam – Ray of light
- Bi A – Chinese title meaning Green Jade
- Amanthi (Sinhala origin) – means the protector of peace
- Cahya (Indonesian origin) – means the one who brings light to the darkness
- Yuttadhammo (Sanskrit origin) – is the moniker of the first Buddhist Canadian monk. It refers to someone who is comprised of dharma.
- Yadana – means gemstone
- Zeya (Burmese origin) – means success.
- Baizhang – Thousand feet
- Bassui – High above the average
- Hōjun – Follow the way of the Dharma
- Bhadrapala – Protector of goodness
- Huaihai – Heart of the ocean
- Reigen – Spirit source
- Opame – Infinite light
- Teizan – Sharpen mountain
- Reigetsu – Spirit moon
- Tokudō – Virtue of The Way
- Tokuon – Helpful sound
- Shein – Reflection
Male monk names
Check out some of the common monikers given to male monks:
- Adhiarja – Safety
- Adika – The first child of the second husband
- Agung – Grand or great
- Toshin – Penetrating truth
- Tokushitsu – Virtue chamber
- Boon-Nam – One born with a good fortune.
- Tōsu – Abandoned child
- Justeene – The title Justeene means righteous or upright
- Boon-Mee – Lucky, a lucky and fortunate
- Feng – One who is like a Phoenix. Also means maple
- Fu – Refers to well to do and prosperous
- Ohnmar – Insane
- Oktai – He who understands
- Orochi – Big snake
- Otgonbayar – Youngest joy
Fascinating dwarf monk names
In the fantasy genre, dwarfs are known for their sheer kindness and mystical talents. Here is a list of unique dwarf monk names along with their meanings. Some of the names are inspired by dwarf characters in movies.
- Alvíss – Means all-wise
- Jari – Means ‘the disputing one’ or ‘the warrior
- Uni – The content one
- Úri – The smith
- Nali – Needle
- Shen– Chinese for cautious, calm giant or god
- Sindri – Means spark
- Titalia – Burn
- Panoptes – All eyed
- Regin – Means great or vast
Cool Elf monk names
Elves are mythological beings that resemble human beings. Elves, like dwarfs have magical powers. If you are looking for some fantastic elf monk titles, check this list below:
- Frodo – Refers to one who is very wise
- Gildor – One who is the creator of joy or happiness
- Wade – It has Anglo-Saxon English origin. It means to go or ford
- Legolas – It is a rare and unpopular title which refers to green leaves
- Aredhel – A unique title that comes from the Quenya language and refers to the noblewoman
- Gildor – Refers to a creator of joy or happiness
Japanese monk names
Buddhism is an integral part of Japanese society, existing in a Reiwa-Esque beautiful harmony with its native Shintoism. Buddhist monks have dedicated their lives to spreading the word of Buddha to people all over the country.
Here are some of the beautiful titles adopted by the Japanese people:
- Daiki – Great potential
- Fuji – One who is prosperous or flourishing
- Zuiki – To delightedly follow.
- Shikai – Entire world
- Kokoro – Heart, mind, and feelings
- Wang Jing – Clear essence or gentle spirit
- Aishi – Compassionate service
- Anzan – A quiet and peaceful mountain
- Bankei – Ten thousand blessings
- Eisho – Eternal illumination
- Fudoki – Unmoving wisdom
- Kaizen – Continuous improvements
- Ryotan – Complete fulfillment
- Soten – Heavenly ancestor
- Tengen – Heavenly eyes
- Zoho – Hidden treasure
How to create cool DnD monk names
Perhaps you are wondering, “How does one create a catchy DnD name?” These are the basics of creating a memorable DnD character name.
- Avoid using recognizable monikers
- Consider your character’s religion, race and upbringing
- Borrow titles from real world cultures
- Elongate your title or use long vowel sounds to stretch it out
Names of famous monks
Parents often name their children after celebrities they love. Here is a list of famous monks that are reputable, prominent, and well known for their works.
- Thích Nhất Hạnh – A Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist. He is the founder and chief architect of the Plum Village Tradition.
- Thích Quảng Đức – He was a Vietnamese Buddhist who burnt himself alive while protesting the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese Roman Catholic government
- Gautama Buddha – A philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who lived in Ancient India. He is revered as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism and worshipped by most Buddhist schools as the Enlightened One who has transcended Karma and escaped the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Monk names are unique with a unique background behind them. They are cool and should be considered while looking for a name for your little one.
READ ALSO: 50+ most common Arabic last names/surnames and their meanings recently published a list of common Arabic last names. A family title in most European countries is usually one or two words. Nevertheless, when it comes to an Arabic surname, the number of its components and their length could be more.
Each one of these Arabic last names has a unique origin and meaning behind it. Each Arabic-speaking area has its own unique set of surnames.
Q: What is a female monk?
A: A female monk is a woman who has renounced worldly life and devoted herself to a religious or spiritual path. A female monk is also called a bhikkhuni or a nun in Buddhism.
Q: How can a woman become a female monk?
A: A woman can become a female monk by following the rules and regulations of her chosen tradition, such as taking vows, observing precepts, wearing robes, shaving her head, and living in a monastery or a nunnery.
Q: What are the benefits of being a female monk?
A: Developing wisdom, compassion, and inner peace
Practicing meditation, prayer, and rituals
Serving the community and helping others
Learning from teachers and mentors
Q: What are the challenges of being a female monk?
A: Facing discrimination, prejudice, or harassment from some people or institutions
Having fewer opportunities, resources, or recognition than male monks
Dealing with loneliness, isolation, or doubt
Balancing personal and communal needs
Q: What are some of famous female monks?
A: Mahapajapati Gotami, the first Buddhist nun and the aunt of the Buddha
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni, the first modern Thai woman to receive full ordination as a Theravada bhikkhuni
Chökyi Drönma, the first Tibetan Buddhist reincarnated lama who was a woman