Surgical & Non-Surgical Options For Correcting A Crooked Nose
Facial symmetry plays a very important role in how the mind perceives beauty. While it’s estimated that 97% of people have some degree of facial asymmetry, severe asymmetry can distort the overall aesthetic of the face.
The nose is a key component in how symmetrical the face looks because of its prominence. A crooked or skewed nose will have a negative impact on the overall appearance of your face.
What is a Crooked Nose?
A A crooked nose means one with a curvature, rather than a straight vertical line running down the middle of the face. Crooked The severity of crooked noses can range from minimally noticeable to very prominent. Some nose curvatures can be cosmetic, but many cases of crookedness can cause breathing problems.
Crooked Based on the shape of their noses, they can be classified as C, I, or S-shaped.
I-Shaped Nose Example (Source Science Direct)
C-Shaped Nose Example (Source Science Direct)
S-Shaped Nose Example (Source Science Direct)
What Causes a Crooked Nose?
A crooked nose is caused by problems with cartilages, bones, tissues, and other tissues. This is what determines the appearance and function of the nose. Most common issues that affect the nose’s structure are trauma or injury. a broken nose). Another issue that could arise is birth defects, tumors, or previous surgery in the area.
A deviated septum may cause the nose’s appearance to appear crooked. The septum, which is the inner partition wall that separates nasal passages from one another, is what we call the septum. The septum’s top is the top of your nose. A A deviated septum is when the nasal passage is blocked by this wall. External noses will look crooked if the deviation extends beyond the top. A deviated septum can sometimes lead to frequent bloody noses. The deviation may block airflow or alter the appearance of the nose if it is severe.
Can Exercises Fix a Crooked Nose?
Many websites offer a variety of facial exercises to correct a crooked or distorted nose. Although nose straightening exercises sound appealing, they won’t work. The nose is made of cartilages and bones that won’t be affected by any exercise.
What Treatment Options Can Correct A Crooked Nose?
There are many options for correcting a crooked nostril. It is important to identify the root cause of the crooked nasal. A An experienced surgeon will evaluate the nose and recommend the best course.
Dermal Fillers (Liquid Rhinoplasty)
In some cases, dermal fillers such as Restylane can be used to correct a crooked nose. Sometimes referred to as “liquid rhinoplasty”, dermal filler injections can sometimes reshape the nose without the need for surgery. This procedure, often considered a more subtle approach to nose reshaping, causes little discomfort and requires minimal downtime. The results, while temporary, can be a suitable alternative for those not ready for surgical intervention. Patients opting for this method will need to have annual treatments to maintain their appearance.
Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) is a plastic surgery procedure dedicated to altering the shape and/or size of the nose in order to enhance its appearance relative to the rest of the face. Rhinoplasty procedures can be classified as strictly cosmetic if the procedure is solely performed to enhance the appearance of the nose, or as “functional” if the procedure is performed to correct the function (breathing issues) of the nose. Both cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty may be combined. Functional rhinoplasty usually includes septoplasty.
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure dedicated to reshaping the septum, the wall between the left and right nasal passage. This procedure can correct a deviated nasal septum or improve airflow through a previously blocked nasal passageway. The septum can be deviated at the top, creating a crooked nose. Functional rhinoplasty is required to straighten it. When a septoplasty is performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty it is referred to as a “septorhinoplasty”.
Case 1: Before & After I-Shaped Nose Correction
Case 2: Before & After C-Shaped Nose Correction
Case 3: Before & After S-Shaped Nose Correction
The Difficulties of Correcting a Crooked Nose
Correcting a crooked nose is one of the more difficult forms of cosmetic nose enhancement for several reasons. First, patients may have other facial abnormalities that make straightening a nose difficult. The surgery may improve the look of your nose but it may not straighten it. This is why it’s so important for patients to select board certified surgeon who has specific experience addressing crooked noses.
Secondly, cartilage has a form of “memory” which can affect how straight the nose remains as it heals post-procedure. Although the nose may appear straight after surgery, cartilage can sometimes try to return to its original (curved), position. The scars from previous surgeries or trauma can make it more difficult to straighten cartilage. There are many techniques that can be used during surgery to minimize risk and re-deviation. The more experienced surgeons, the lower the chance of deviation after surgery. The revision rate for primary cases is less than 5%. That means that after one-year of healing, the chances of success are over 95% regarding both the function as well as the appearance of the previously crooked nostrils.