Power Wheels Problems Solutions | 7 Most Common Faults

As a parent, it is quite possible that you may have bought toy cars for your kids. Toy cars are still a popular choice for children.

They are perfectly suited for children between the ages group 12 months to 7 years old. These toys are very popular with millions of children and parents of all ages.

They are as realistic as the originals they were meant to imitate and have as many features as the real thing. They may also have additional features in some cases.

These features include power lock brakes and hoods. They can also be opened and closed and move in either reverse or forward.

We will concentrate on the most common and major faults these toys have.

We will also look at the possible Power Wheels problems solutions so that the toys can be set right without having the need to go in for new ones.

It is obvious that these toys are costly. There is no reason to not try to increase their longevity and durability. Many of these problems and faults are easy to fix if we can identify them and then diagnose.

We will also be briefly discussing the history of these amazing toys.

We are confident that our article will be both informative and entertaining for readers. It will allow them to solve mechanical and other problems associated with power wheels, without needing to consult technicians or other technical staff.

Finding the right after-sales service and support can sometimes be difficult and impossible in certain areas.

It is best to be able to understand the basics of how to fix the problem and use proven DIY methods to do it safely.

It won’t take long to be able identify the problems and determine the cause of them.

A Brief History(*7*)

Power Wheels has been around for quite some time and the first toys belonging to this brand name came into the market in 1984. It all took place in San Francisco, California, USA. The Kransco toy company took over Pines of America, a Pines of America-based toy firm.

The company was well-known for making popular battery-powered vehicles. This takeover later resulted in the formation of a new company by the name Power Wheels.

The toys became instant hits and by the year 1990, Power Wheels was able to sell around 1,000,000 units per year. The brand achieved greater success through other buy-outs.

There were many milestones, and 1999 was one of them.

The year saw Power Wheels come out with the toy version of the famous Harley Davidson Motorcycle Ride-On. The toy again was a huge success, and it helped the firm achieve record sales for the year.

Our Pick For 10 Best Power WheelsIf you are looking for a specific Power Wheels brand. The 10 Best Powerwheels are the best.

A wide range of products(*7*)

The reason for the success of the Power Wheel brand could be attributed to many reasons. There are many toys and ride-ons to choose from.

There are many brands that you may recognize, including cars, motorcycles, trucks and other motorbikes. They have ride-on cars for almost every major model on the market.

The Ford F-150 Series, Ford Mustang and Jeep Hurricane are just a few of the names that spring to mind.

These models are known as the one-stop solution for all makes and models of cars.

You can still find out more about the best ride-on cars for children by visiting our guide. Ultimate Remote Controls Ride-on cars for children Buyers Guide 2020.

Problems & repairs(*7*)

While there is no denying the fact that Power Wheels is a big brand name for toys for children in the age group 12 months to seven years, there have been some issues with the miniature ride-on vehicles.

Problems Numerous customers around the globe have reported numerous breakdowns, repairs, damages, and other defects.

This is why it is important to address these problems.

Although it is best to find a qualified mechanic to fix these toys or a local service center, it may not always be possible. You will be better equipped to recognize the problem areas and begin the repairs.

We are happy to share a few useful paragraphs and we are sure it will help you to set things right as far as these Power Wheel Toy Ride-on vehicles, bikes, and other such toys are concerned.

Ride On Troubleshooting

How do you troubleshoot a Power Wheel?(*7*)

Like any mechanical unit, it is quite possible that Power Wheels replicas and miniature versions could also develop problems. It is possible for the unit to be taken to a mechanic, but it is also possible that other parts may need to be replaced.

You have many options for troubleshooting and, in most cases it will help. Here are some things you can do to identify the problem and get it fixed.

* Power supply may not be reached where it is needed.

This is a common problem and can easily be diagnosed. A simple voltmeter is all you need. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a fancy meter.

It is complexly designed and runs off the battery. There may be fuses or diodes connected to the battery terminals.

It is possible to identify the problem by using a meter. The pedal is powered by the power supply, and the power also powers the reverse and forward switches.

It is also passed to the motors. This power the motors of your power wheeler.

* Test the throttle or the foot pedal switch

You also need to check the throttle switch and it is considered to be one of the most common troubleshooting options for your Power Wheels problems solutions. To identify the problem, you will need to use the multimeter.

To test the connection, you will need to remove the paddle switch. If the motor begins to turn on after you jump the connection, it is likely that the pedal switch is the problem.

If it doesn’t jump then it could be an electrical issue or you may need a replacement motor.

You may also find that the pedal on your ride-on vehicle is stuck.

* The forward and reverse switches

Sometimes the vehicle may not either move forward or backward and in some cases, it may refuse to move at all. Your vehicle might move slowly on either the reverse or forward gear.

The reverse and forward gear switches may be damaged in such situations. In these cases, it is possible to need to check the wires connecting forward and reverse switch.

Disconnect the wires if the vehicle has either a high-speed/low-speed switch. The ride-on vehicle should be powered on. If the vehicle is not working on high settings, it can be assumed that the problem is with the forward and reverse switches.

* Battery Charger or Battery Replacement

The Power Wheel electric ride-on toys are powered with batteries that are able to generate around 6/12 volts. When you buy the ride-on vehicles from the original stores of Power Wheels, you can be sure that the batteries are also original.

You should ensure that the connections are original and conform to the manufacturer’s specifications. Sometimes, you may need to replace the battery charger after a few years.

Make sure the battery generates the proper voltage. You should also ensure that the power does not cut off at an incorrect time.

The charger may not turn off properly, which could lead to battery damage and even burning. The charger and battery must be tested. To do this, you can use your voltagemeter.

If the vehicle has absolutely no power then follow why my ride on battery won’t charge.

If the vehicle has power but won’t charge then follow how to charge a battery without a charger.

* Check the motor & controller

You have an easy way to test the controller. Be sure to check that your switches and batteries are in good order before you proceed.

The motherboard of your controller could be the cause of clicking sounds.

If it’s more of a grinding sound then most likely the gears inside the gearbox are stripped or ground down as the stock ones are only plastic. This is most common when you upgrade your battery, but neglect to upgrade the gearbox.

A voltmeter can be used to check the performance of the motor. It is necessary to disconnect the motor and controller.

After that, connect the motor to a 12-volt or 6 volt charger. Make sure it turns. The motors will last for many years, so there is little chance that they might go bad or get damaged.

The motor may overheat if the battery has been replaced or the tires have been upgraded. This is a serious problem for your vehicle, and you must fix it before your child can use it again.

* Drill Drainage Holes

Further, ride-on vehicles are not designed to be waterproof. They might not drain properly if they are in direct contact with water. Drilling drain holes is a smart idea as it can cause damage to wires and other parts.

It’s possible to pinpoint the areas you need and have holes drilled at the right locations. You may also have some issues if you drove your Power Wheels in the snow.

* Check and Double-Check

If the Power Wheels ride-on vehicle is beyond two years old, it becomes mandatory on your part to regularly check and double-check batteries, controllers, the various switches, and the batteries.

This will allow you to quickly pinpoint the problem and not have to go looking for the needle in the haystack if your toy vehicle suddenly stops working. It is possible that there are multiple problems and it can be difficult to identify them all.

* Seat Belt Issues

If the Power Wheels ride-on vehicle seat belts are no longer working this is a huge problem and can put your child at risk.

Not all vehicles come with seat belts but we always recommend them because you never know what will happen and it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

If the seat belts won’t click, are ripped, or just not there at all you can replace or add your own seat belts to the vehicle. It’s a bit outside the scope of this article but we talk all about it in this section here. Upgrading seat belts for Power Wheels.

Only one wheel spinning?This guide will show you how to fix it if only one wheel is spinning.

Why won’t my Power Wheels move?(*7*)

There could be many reasons why Power Wheels refuse to move. The problem could be caused by a defective battery, bad connections, or a malfunctioning charger. It is also important to inspect the connections to your charger carefully and in detail.

To begin with, make sure that your battery is able to generate 6 plus or 12 plus volts depending on the model and make of the Power Wheels Ride-On Vehicle.

Even a good reading may not necessarily mean that everything is fine with your battery. Make sure to also have the Power Wheels fully charged as this can often be the issue, some of the times you think you are charging it but the power cord may have become unplugged.

Sometimes the battery will need to produce more power than 12 volts.

This is due to the higher start-up power requirements and the fact that it is lower once the vehicle has started moving.

The switchgear under the gas pedal may also need to be checked. This shouldn’t be an issue as most food boards that power the pedals can be press-fitted into the appropriate slots.

You can remove them with a straight-head screwdriver.

Many times, the wires underneath the footboard assemblies might have been corroded and may need cleaning. Once this is done it could move the Power Wheels “Wheels”.

Another issue that could occur if your child has not driven this specific Power Wheels recently is he may be over the weight limit of the vehicle, we have a whole article on how to check the weight limit.

Do Power Wheels have fuses?(*7*)

Yes, there is hardly any doubt that your Power Wheels Ride-On batteries 12 volt or 6 volts come equipped with a thermal fuse.

The thermal fuse comes standard. Thermal fuses have a few special features. The fuse has a self-resetting safety feature.

This allows the fuse to trip automatically and shut down the vehicle if it is too full. Even in extreme and severe driving conditions, the thermal fuse switches off automatically and the vehicle grinds to a halt.

The older models might not have these thermal fuse. The batteries come with a 25- or 30-amp fuse that can be removed.

The fuse protects the battery from being damaged while it is being charged or used. It is important to check the fuse on a regular basis.

The thermal fuse should always be checked when you charge your battery.

This will ensure the battery is not damaged, as well as ensuring that charging takes place correctly, efficiently, effectively, and accurately.

It is essential that you replace and remove blown fuses before the battery can be recharged. The battery could be damaged if it is not replaced.

It is easy to replace the fuse. The battery must be disconnected from the ride-on car.

The battery should be removed from the vehicle. Place it on the ground, with the top facing upwards. You can easily remove the fuse from the battery with your fingers.

If it is difficult to grasp the fuse, you can use needle-nose pliers. This will make it much easier to remove the fuse.

Examine the interior of the fuse once it is pulled out. You can confirm that the fuse works if the metal strip (middle) is still intact.

You have no choice but to replace it if the fuse is damaged. Insert the battery with a brand-name fuse.

When inserting the fuse, ensure that the contacts face down. The fuse should not touch the battery’s surface if it is properly installed.

If the fuse is not installed, you should not charge your battery. The battery could be damaged and you may have to replace it with a new one.

Can you fix a Power Wheels battery?(*7*)

In most cases, it may not be advisable to try and fix a Power Wheels Battery that is fully dead.

However, there have been instances where even “almost completely dead” batteries have been given a new lease of life.

This trick can be tried, but it might not always work.

You can use a smart charger, or a floating charger. This charger can deliver a low amperage charge for the battery that is damaged.

This charger has a unique circuitry. This circuitry is capable of detecting when the battery is fully charged.

There are a few things that you must bear in mind before you actually even try fixing a dead Power Wheels battery. Incorrectly charged batteries can cause damage to the charger, and possibly even damage the motor. You should exercise caution.

It is best to only try to revive it if you are certain about its condition.

These batteries have a life expectancy of approximately one to three years. It would depend on usage, but normally original Power Wheels batteries have a lifespan of around one to three years.

You must only use the correct voltage batteries. Most Twelve volt batteries are available from trusted companies. It is a good idea to get a larger battery if you need to replace it.

Ride On Checks

How do you know if a Power Wheels battery is good?(*7*)

There is no doubt that most users do face problems with the batteries of Power Wheels Toys. You may feel like you’re in for a huge fix if the device is not used for more than a month.

This does not necessarily mean that the battery will need to be replaced. Most batteries will last for a long time without needing to be recharged. Sometimes, the chargers that come with the battery can be faulty.

You can bring a dead battery back to life by doing some simple things. While this may require another battery, the majority of dead batteries can be revived.

It can take several months to recharge an inactive battery.

In between two to four months, batteries will begin to discharge and then discharge completely. It is best to avoid prolonged inactivity.

You should immediately clean any sulfur-filled batteries. Do not overcharge your battery. Do not charge your battery more than 12-15 hours at once.

The battery should be removed if the Ride-On is not being used for more than a few months. The battery should be charged every eight hours in order to prevent normal discharge.

Our guide to charging batteries, which covers everything you need to know about how long it takes to charge one, provides more details.

How to take care of your Power Wheels vehicles?(*7*)

We are sharing some useful tips that could help in keeping the Power Wheels Ride-on vehicles in good condition.

  • When you buy Power Wheels Vehicles, ensure that you follow the assembling instructions. Allow for two to three hours of assembly time.
  • Make sure that your batteries are fully charged. After each use, leave the battery fully charged for 14 hours. If the vehicle slows down, it’s time to recharge it.
  • You should have at most 2 to 3 hours riding time per charge. You can impact the ride time by the passenger’s weight, riding surface, battery charge levels, frequency of vehicle use, condition of connectors, switches and speed. External temperature may also play a part.
  • Be sure to take care of your battery. The batteries should last for around 2 to 3 years before needing to be replaced. Follow the correct battery and charger instructions.
  • Your charger should be kept in good order. You should not place your charger on the ground if there is a problem. Replace the charger if necessary.
  • You should ensure the vehicle is protected from the elements if it is not being used during winter or rainy seasons.
  • You can clean your vehicle with a soft, dry cloth. Use non-wax furniture polish for giving shine to your Power Wheels Vehicles. Avoid using automotive wax. Avoid harsh soaps and detergents when washing your car. Avoid strong water sprays using hoses. The paint may fade and you will need to repaint power wheels.
  • Make sure to tighten all nuts, bolts and screws before using them.
  • You should not attempt to solve any problem you find. Because they are professionals, it is best to contact an authorized agent.


Q: What are some common problems with power wheels, and how can I diagnose them?

A: Some common problems with power wheels are that they won’t go forward, they won’t go at all, they go too slow, or they make strange noises.

Q: How can I fix a power wheel that won’t go forward?

A: You can fix a power wheel that won’t go forward by testing the power supply with a voltmeter, checking the battery for charge and connection, checking the foot-pedal switch for power and continuity, checking the safety relay for function and wiring, checking the shifter for position and alignment, and checking the electric motors for rotation and resistance.

Q: How can I fix a power wheel that won’t go?

A: If your power wheel is not moving, you can try fixing it by following these steps. Firstly, test the power supply using a voltmeter. Next, check if the battery is charged and properly connected. Then, inspect the foot-pedal switch for power and continuity. Check the safety relay for proper function and wiring. Ensure that the shifter is in the correct position and properly aligned. Lastly, check the electric motors for rotation and resistance.

Q: How can I fix a power wheel that makes strange noises?

A: You can fix a power wheel that makes strange noises by checking the electric motors for rotation and resistance, gears for wear and tear, and lubricating the moving parts. You can also replace the motors or the gears if damaged or worn out.


We hope we have been able to give a reasonably good insight into the various aspects of maintenance, upkeep, troubleshooting, and solving common issues with your Ride-on vehicles.

These guidelines will ensure that you get the most value for your money and that your children have fun with these amazing toys.

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