(*2*)I recently pinned this photo of a black & white stripped Mud Room. So I was able to have the stripes, I began to plan and design a Mud Room addition on our back yard. That’s reasonable isn’t it, I mean it would just be a small addition.
The laundry room needed the same stripes so I was quick to realize my mistake and decided to paint them.
I didn’t want to move the washer and dryer out of the laundry room (I was afraid of disconnecting something I wasn’t suppose to) so I thought I could just add the black stripes over-top of the already existing white walls. Big mistake, don’t do this. Continue reading to discover why.
I measured the height of the wall and decided my stripes would be 4″. So I divided the height of the wall by 4 (to make sure I didn’t end up with a 2 inch stripe at the bottom-you may have to adjust the height of your stripes). Begin at the ceiling (if you have a wonky stripe you want that stripe to be near the floor not at the more noticeable ceiling) and start marking down 4″ (I just made little marks with my pencil).
Next, use a level or ruler to draw the stripes.
Frog Tape was used for the stripes, but I ran out halfway through. I am glad that I keep painters tape in my garage.
Frog Tape is the best way to make stripes. However, I didn’t notice any difference in the results when I took off the tape. Both of them leaked equally. You are so stupid.
Here is my fatal error. I painted 2 coats of black (leftover paint from my front door.)
It bled everywhere. This picture doesn’t really show how bad it was. I panicked at this point. These were now messy black streaks on the wall.
It was suggested that you paint some of your base colour (for me, white) over the edges of the painters tape to prevent this. Once it has dried, you can paint your stripe colour (black). Paint blocks any new colour from seeping under the paint. But since I didn’t have the base paint this wouldn’t have worked anyways.
It is possible to use Matte Medium (which can be found in most craft stores’ paint sections) and paint it on top of the painters tape. This will prevent the stripe paint from leaking through.
I took it out and taped the strips over the black ones. Then, I found some left-over white paint in my garage. I painted the white stripes to fix the black’s messy edges.
It worked. I applied the matte medium to the tape’s edges. And once dried I painted 2 coats of white.
Much better now. Leason learned. Don’t paint stripes on a wall if you don’t have some of the base colour available.