I pulled the drawstring on my hoodie half way out. One One end of drawstring is still there, and the other is stuck in the middle. How How do I get the drawstring out of the hole again? Do I need to remove the entire string? If I pull the string out all the way, it is impossible to get it back in. I tried the safety pin and paper clip trick, but it didn’t work. Is there a faster way?
Use a Coat Hanger: (use this method if you need to get the complete drawstring back into a hoodie)
- Put a small hook on the end of a metal coat hanger with pliers.
- Slide it into your hoodie drawstring channel.
- Slide it until the drawstring is just above the edge.
- Rotate the coat hanger a full circle to try and “grab” the drawstring.
- Attach the end of your drawstring to the coat hanger by carefully removing it.
- (Once both ends of the drawstring are out, tie a small tight knot on each end so this does not happen again)
Use Needle Nose Pliers:
- Bunch up the hoodie drawstring channel.
- You should bundle it until you reach the end of your drawstring.
- The channel will be created by inserting the end of the needle nosepliers.
- With the pliers, grab the drawstring and pull it out.
- (Once both ends of the drawstring are out, tie a small tight knot on each end so this does not happen again)
Use a Knitting Needle:
- Put it in the hole that the drawstring is stuck in and follow up to the end of the string.
- As you work, make sure to bundle up the fabric.
- The drawstring will need to be speared and then pulled out carefully.
- (Once both ends of the drawstring are out, tie a small tight knot on each end so this does not happen again)
Drawstring Replacement
Use a Safety Pin:
- Slide a safety pin through the end of the channel where the drawstring in stuck.
- You can feel the pin through the material.
- The pin should be held on the string end.
- Place the string channel material on the pin. Grab the outboard end.
- The hoodie material should be drawn backwards around the string.
- Continue this process until the string has been removed from the other end.
- (Once both ends of the drawstring are out, tie a small tight knot on each end so this does not happen again)
Use a Paper Clip:
- Put a small hook on the end of a paper clip using needle nose pliers.
- Slide it into the hoodie drawstring channel while “bunching up the material”.
- Slide the paperclip about one inch beyond the drawstring.
- Rotate the paper clip a few times to try and “grab” the drawstring.
- Slide the paperclip out until the end of your drawstring.
- (Once both ends of the drawstring are out, tie a small tight knot on each end so this does not happen again)
Use a Drinking Straw:
- Slide the straw into the channel.
- You will need to work the straw into your hoodie channel until the end of drawstring.
- Place the straw on the drawstring.
- The string should be stuck to the straw. Slide the straw out and the drawstring will come with it.
- (Once both ends of the drawstring are out, tie a small tight knot on each end so this does not happen again)
Use the Easy Threader Flexible Needle Drawstring replacement tool
NOTE: These methods work for ANYTHING that has a drawstring including men’s swim shorts and sweatpants. These methods can also be used to remove a drawstring from a hoodie or sweatpants.
1. Why won’t my hoodie string tighten?
The ends may be tangled or knotted, or the casing holding it may be broken.
2. How do I replace a broken hoodie string?
Cut the existing string out and thread a new drawstring of matching thickness through the casing.
3. Can I fix a tangled hoodie string?
Untangle gently without forcing, or the string could break. Try unwinding knots slowly.
4. What material is usually used?
Cotton or polyester cords are common, but measure your original to get a close match.
5. What if the casing is broken?
You may need to sew on a new casing or attach string ends directly to the hood lining.
How You can restring your Hoodie or Sweatshirt within minutes!