Learn 20 Japanese Love Quotes with Translations

Hello Junkie,

Today you’re going to learn some sweet Japanese love quotes.Why? You’re learning JapaneseRight? You’ll learn lots of words and grammar here. Plus, everyone loves love quotes. Note: These aren’t native JapaneseTranslations of quotes and sayings Japanese.

These are real-life examples of people using them.No. I mean, do you!? Most don’t use inspirational quotes in daily conversations. People love these quotes because they give them something to reflect on. And so, it’s fun to learn them.

So take this lesson and…

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Learn 20 Japanese Love Quotes with Translations

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1. While I may not be your first love, kiss, or date, I do want to be your last.

  • 私はあなたが最初にデート、キスした人、あるいは最初の恋人じゃないかもしれませんが、あなたの最後の人になりたいです。
  • Watashi wa anata ga saisho ni dēto, kisushita hito janai kamo shiremasen ga, anata no saigo no hito ni naritai desu.

japanese love quotes

2. Thank you for being my rainbow in the storm.

  • いつも嵐の後の私の虹でいてくれてありがとう。
  • itsumo arashi no ato no watashi no niji de itekurete arigatō.

japanese love quotes

3. I’m much more me when I’m withYou.

  • 私はあなたと一緒にいる時、もっと私らしくなる。
  • watashi wa anata to issho ni iru toki, motto watashi rashiku naru.

japanese love quotes

4. It was when I opened my heart to you that I made a difference in my life.

  • 私が人生において正しいことをしたならば、それは私のハートをあなたにあげた時です。
  • watashi ga jinsē ni oite tadashī koto o shita naraba, sore wa watashi no hāto o anata ni ageta toki desu.

japanese love quotes

5. I don’t need paradise because I found you. I don’t need dreams because I have you.

  • 私はあなたを見つけたので、楽園は要りません。私にはあなたがいるので、夢は要りません。
  • watashi wa anata o mitsuketa node, rakuen wa irimasen. watashi niwa anata ga irunode, yume wa irimasen.

japanese love quotes

6. I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.

  • 私は今よりもあなたを愛することができないと誓います。もう、未来のことがわかっています。
  • watashi wa ima yori mo anata o aisuru koto ga dekinai to chikaimasu. mō mirai no koto ga wakatte imasu.

japanese love quotes

7. Nothing can be more love than one. To love someone is something. To love and to be loved is something.

  • 愛することは何もありません。愛されることは何かがあります。でも、愛することと愛されることは全てです。
  • aisuru koto wa nanimo arimasen. aisareru koto wa nanika ga arimasu. demo, aisurukoto aisareru koto to subete desu.

japanese love quotes

8. You are the only person I can see in my future.

  • 私があなたを見るとき、目の前に私の残りの人生が見えます。
  • watashi ga anata o miru toki, me no mae ni watashi no nokori no jinsē ga miemasu.

japanese love quotes

9. It is you who have taught me what love is.

  • 私は愛とは何かを知っているのであれば、それはあなたのおかげです。
  • watashi ga, ai towa.

japanese love quotes

10. Love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can feel it.

  • 愛は風のよう、あなたはそれを見ることはできませんが、それを感じることができます。
  • ai wa kaze no yō, anata wa sore o miru koto wa dekimasen ga, sore o kanjiru koto ga dekimasu.

japanese love quotes

Hold on!

We can take a humorous detour. I’m sorry but I thoughtThere’s a hilarious opportunity here to switch out some words. We can take 愛 (ai) and replace it with the JapaneseWord for fart. It can be found here. Fart is おなら(Onara).

  • A fart is like the wind, you can’t see but, but you can feel it.
  • 愛は風のよう、あなたはそれを見ることはできませんが、それを感じることができます。
  • ai wa kaze no yō, anata wa sore o miru koto wa dekimasen ga, sore o kanjiru koto ga dekimasu.

You can also smell it. Now let’s get back to the main point. Japanese Love QuotesIt’s possible!

11. Everywhere I go, I am reminded about your love. You are my universe.

  • どこを見ても、私はあなたの愛を思い出します。あなたは私の世界です。
  • doko o mite mo watashi wa anata no ai o omoidashimasu. anata wa watashi no sekai desu.

japanese love quotes

12. I would love to be your most memorable hello and hardest goodbye.

  • 私はあなたのお気にいりのハローに、そして一番難しいグッバイになりたいです。
  • watashi wa anata no okiniiri no haro ni, soshite ichiban muzukashī gubbai ni naritai desu.

japanese love quotes

13. If I were to live my life again, I’d find you sooner.

  • 生まれ変わったら、あなたをもっと早く見つけるだろう。
  • umarekawattara, anata o motto hayaku mitsukeru darō.

japanese love quotes

14. Together withYou are my favorite place to visit.

  • あなたのそばが、私のお気に入りの場所です。
  • anata no soba ga, watashi no okiniiri no basho desu.

japanese love quotes

Okay, but what about natives? Japanese love quotes?

Yes, I’ll teach you a few as well but keep in mind that the translations might sound weird and that they need some explanation.

15. 愛、屋烏に及ぶ

  • Ai, okuu ni oyobu
  • LoveEven the crows will be able to reach the roof.

This Japanese love saying is used to describe a “strong love.” But, what does it mean exactly? Imagine a person that’s madly in love. It’s so strong that even the crows who land on his roof will feel it and fall in LOVE with him. It is a love so strong it can even affect the crows

Why are crows so common? It’s probably because crows are very common in Japan, and they often sit on rooftops.

japanese love quotes

16. 愛してその醜を忘る

  • Ai shite boyo shuu wo wereuru
  • LoveYou can lose your ugly side!

It is possible to love someone and forget their flaws and imperfections. This is kind of like “love is blind” but which a more positive angle.

japanese love quotes

17. 愛は小出しにせよ

  • Ai wa kodashi ni seyo
  • LoveIn small quantities

Why? Ever notice how couples that are madly in love, or even if it’s just one-sided, tend to crash and burn? This is the result Japanese love quote refers to. To keep love alive for a long period of time, you must not be reckless but take small steps.

japanese love quotes

18. 一押し二金三男

  • Ichi oshi, ni kane, san otoko
  • First strength, second wealth, third man

You must be assertive and strong. Also, you must have money. You must also be attractive and/or possess the desirable characteristics of a man to persuade a woman. These are the three requirements to convince a woman.

  • Motoki ni masaru uraki nashi
  • It’s impossible to replace one’s first love.
  • Iroke yori kuike
  • Food before romance

Kuike refers to appetite while iroke is about interest in the opposite of sex. So, go figure!

japanese love quotes

  • JapanesePhrases for 30 Love Phrases for Valentine’s Day & More
  • JapanesePhrases in the Top 10 Japanese LoveFuzzy Wuzziness: Phrases
  • Japanese Phrases Pt 5: Cute Words & Phrases in Japanese
  • Learn JapaneseTop 15 JapaneseYou are a special person.


Q: What is the most common way to say “I love you” in Japanese? 

A: The most common way is “Aishiteru” (愛してる), which is a casual and informal way to express love.

Q: What is a more formal and serious way to say “I love you” in Japanese? 

A: A more formal and serious way is “Aishiteimasu” (愛しています), which is used to show respect and commitment to the person you love.

Q: What is a cute and playful way to say “I love you” in Japanese? 

A: A cute and playful way is “Daisuki” (大好き), which literally means “I like you a lot” but can also imply love in a romantic context.

Q: What are some Japanese love quotes from famous anime or manga? 

A: Some examples are:

“You are my reason for living.” (Kimi wa watashi no ikigai; 君は私の生きがい) from Naruto.

“With you, it will continue forever.” (Kimi to nara eien ni tsudzuku; 君となら永遠に続く) from Your Name.

“I want to be with you forever.” (Zutto issho ni itai; ずっと一緒にいたい) from Inuyasha.

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