Sometimes as a busy medical student you often feel like you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown. Personally, I try to see the positives. Funny medical school quotes? Please help me to do that.
Providing a nice reminder that we’re not the only ones going through what seems like an eternity of hard-study, the insight of others provides thePerfect study break.
So here’s a whole bunch of my personal favourites. These are the ones I believe capture the essence of the subject. Funny side of medical student life now that I’m four years into the journey myself….
Funny Medical School Quotes
This could look amazing as Instagram captions, med school bios, and even in your presentation slides.
#1 “Studying medicine is like drinking from a fire-hose”
This is the best quote I have heard that summarises the feeling of information overload in medical school. For those of you not familiar with what it’s like attempting to drink from a fire-hose? Here’s a video for you.
Basically it’s a reference to just how crazy the task is of having to memorize everything. The fire hose. A torrent that can’t be stopped. It is a metaphor for all the information that is coming our way.
SimilarHow to: To Memorize A Textbook (3 Effective Techniques)
#2 “Med school is where you learn who not to send your family to”
This is pretty apt when you’re in the med school bubble, looking around at your colleagues and thinking about who you’d trust or not! Lazy medical students? It could be on the top of this list.

#3 “When people ask, “How many more years of studying do you have?” And you’re just like “till death do us part”
Definitely feeling this now I’ve reached the half way point. Is the needle moving? Still barely feels like it’s moving toward graduation. And it’s probably the most common question I get!
#4 “Medical student: living on massive amounts of caffeine, sugar and ramen noodles and foregoing sleep to become a “better health professional”
The hype is real. This is how most medical students live. They just want to make it through the semester.

#5 “It’ll be better next year”
FunnyFrom an ironic standpoint. It’s what you tell yourself in the summer break. Reality will soon hit and things become crazy again. Kind on a par with; “I love finals!” Said no medical student. Ever.”
#6 “When I went to medical school, the term ‘digital’ applied only to rectal exams”
Eric Topol, an American cardiologist, has this to say. He seems disgruntled that he missed the Instagram era.

#7 “Everyone wants to be a doctor, but no one wants to study no damn medicine”
This is how I think of the Instagram profiles for medical student. You look great and are looking professional, but there are still exams. Everyone wants to achieve that goal. But how do you get there? You have to go through it first.
Here’s a quick recommendation!(*20*)
Are you enjoying this article? How about checking out one of the funniest (and most quotable) books on medicine I’ve ever read; This Is Going ToAdam Kay, an ex-NHS doctor, has left you feeling hurt
Here’s a little taste of what to expect…
“What should I have brought to entice people into a career in medicine? Toy stethoscopes Amniotic fluid smoothies? Diaries with all your weekends, evenings and Christmases handily crossed out?”
You should give it a try. You won’t regret it!
#8 “Finish last in your league and they call you idiot. Finish last in medical school and they call you doctor”
I love this one because it’s a brutal reminder of all the unnecessary competitiveness in med school. Grades? Don’t really matter. We’re all pulling in the same direction. With the end goal in mind, all of us are working towards it.
This quote is credited Abe Lemons, an American College basketball player.

#9 “If you want to succeed in med school, just two things – don’t fall in love and don’t fall behind”
Here is some wise advice. Two factors can add to the complexity of a already difficult time: being in medical school and having children. Still, there’s been a few success stories of people doing both!

#10 “When you’re ready to quit just remember how good you’ll look in that white coat”
Sometimes it’s the little things that keep you going. More for my American readers maybe (European healthcare systems don’t call for the white coat). However, you can replace the white coat with a bomb ass briefcase or formalwear.
Similar: ToWear it during clinical rotations (How). To Become A More Majestic Med Student)

#11 “Med students in afternoon lectures are like renal tubules in acute tubular necrosis. They lose the ability to concentrate”
A little bit of an inside joke (useful if your kidney physiology is known), but it’s a familiar feeling. Another reason to skip class?
#12 “I dreamed I died and went to hell. Then I woke up and realised I was in medical school”
What’s better than medical school? I’m not so sure. You do get the point. Particularly when faced with a wild finals period without any end in sight. Purgatory has never felt so real.
#13 “Be the doctor your parents wanted you to marry”
One for the kids in med school who maybe don’t really want to be there. I’m not one of them but I can feel their pain.
But it does open doors for dating! So I’ve heard…
Similar: 21 Med Student Stereotypes; The Snitch, The Do-Gooder, The Anki Bro & More

#14 “It’s annoying when engineering students call themselves engineers. Medical students are never called doctors. Or art students calling themselves unemployed”
This one hits home. Especially as I’m a former arts student who’s turned to medicine later in life.
#15 “MedicalSchool is like eating an elephant. You just have to do it one bite at a time”
Some days I feel like I’d rather be eating an elephant.
#16 “This is nothing like Gray’s anatomy”
Medical school is not what you expected. This is especially true when you consider all the great shows that you used to see on TV.
The drama and stress are secondary. The glamour is gone.

#17 “I’ve got a dream, that’s worth more than my sleep”
This meme board is similar to the purgatory sensation.
#18 “I gave up my life to learn how to save yours”
Sacrifice for greater good We all have our own medical school story. But is the juice worth it? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
#19 “There will always be light at the end of the tunnel, except in medical school it’s a train called boards”
This one’s in reference to the US-medical system and the USMLE board exams that grant them a licence to practice. Across the world med schools work differently, so the light isn’t always so dim.

#20 “Studying in med school is like making love when you’re drunk. You never actually finish, you just keep going until it’s not worth it anymore”
This one was saved for last by tactically. You might find it useful. Well, I’m glad that you get it.
Final Thoughts Funny Medical School Quotes
These are the quotes I cited above. These quotes are certainly dramatic. But they’re also uncomfortably close to the truth too!
You’re not quite done with that study break yet!
1. What are some famous medical student quotes?
– “Medicine is not just a science, it’s an art.” – Osler
– “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” – Osler
– “To study medicine without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study medicine only from books is not to go to sea at all.” – Sir William Osler
2. What do these medical student quotes mean?
These quotes emphasize the importance of treating the disease and considering the patient’s circumstances and needs. They also highlight the importance of both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of medicine.
3. Do medical students find these quotes inspiring?
Yes, many medical students find these quotes inspiring and often serve as a source of motivation and guidance throughout their education and career.
4. What is the significance of Sir William Osler in the field of medicine?
Sir William Osler was a highly respected physician and one of the founders of modern medicine. He emphasized the importance of bedside teaching and clinical experience, and his teachings have profoundly impacted medical education and practice.
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