Are you a person who has ever required supernatural strength to overcome a difficult situation?-You don’t know what to pray, but you are aware of the situation. God is still waiting and to give us strength in times of need. Pray without fear and Ask God for His strength will fall on you! You are weak, weary, or unprepared for standing when you need it. and These words can be used to help you get clarity.
A Prayer for Strength When you are weary
Lord, I’m weary. My energy is falling apart. and My motivation is low. You are so important to me. Your strength is what I need and Your fresh touch to get me back on track. Your Word says that the joy of God is my strength. If that is true, then I need your joy in order to replace all the bones-Tired parts in my mind and body and soul.
Sometimes the life pressures push me to the edge, making it impossible for me to continue my journey. I am surrounded by hundreds of voices. and Sometimes I feel too paraly sed to answer the questions, and don’t know where to go. Help me to not quit and to continue running the race faithfully. and You can find strength in the safe and private place you keep under the watchful eye of the Almighty.
Your strength and determination to say no to temptations to succumb to harmful things or to self-interest when they are tempting me to wear your clothes. and won’t let go. Your strength is what I need to say yes when you are afraid and Fear can push me to reject the convictions of my heart. Your strength and love for me are essential. and I have everything around me. When don’t I need your strength, God?
You are my rock and I ran to you today believing that your lifting will help me lift my heavy burdens and that you’ll fuel me. for The tasks you gave me and I am sure that my weakness will be completely consumed by your joy and Make me stronger again. I don’t want to be held back by limitations. and Failed attempts. I’m tired with my weak efforts. Lord, I desire to be able to mount up and fly like an eagle. and Not just fly. I want soar.
Lord, give me strength. Give me your supernatural power to conquer every obstacle in my way. You are my only hope, Lord. I will succeed if you keep your eyes on me and walk alongside me. We are grateful, Lord.
Are you feeling weak and unable to face the challenges of life? Get our FREE Find Hope In the Storm Prayer Guide To help you navigate your storm right away
A Prayer for Strength When you’re at your weakest
Lord Jesus, give me the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting my teeth but the glory-God gives strength. It is strength that endures the insurmountable and It spills into joy. I thank the Father for making me strong enough to participate in all that is bright. and He is so beautiful for I. Jesus, help me to overcome my weaknesses. Amen.~ Wendy van Eyck
A Prayer for Strength and Encouragement
Lord, I, like David, need your support in times of trial and anguish. You are my God and always there to help me. We are grateful for I am the same God you are to David. We are grateful for always being near and Always saving me from my fears and It hurts. Help me to remember that the daybreak is not far away and that this trial won’t last forever, Lord. Bring me the hope that daybreak is just around the corner and Your love will always triumph! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!~ A Good Thing Devotional
A prayer to endure
Lord, I am weary and don’t know when this “race” will end in my life. I feel like I’ve been running forever, trying to outrun this trial. Please help me to not try to outrun my pain, but instead to run with endurance the race that you have given me. Because of you, I know I will triumph over any trials in my life. Your unwavering love is all that can separate me from you. I need to feel your love and strength today. Thank you for your love for It never ends for me! Thank you! for I will forever be surrounded by the crown of joy in your Kingdom. Finding
A Prayer for Wisdom and Strength Daily
You are a miracle-God working. Give me a vision for What freedom looks like for You are my strength. Believe in me. for My miracle. Show me what makes you tired. Show me what makes me happy and slows me down. Help me lose my taste for That which weakens my character, and acquire a taste for That which strengthens me. Heal me! Please help me make the changes that are needed. I would like to be part of Your healing process. Awaken fresh life in me! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.~ Susie Larson
A Prayer for The Overwhelmed
Lord, fill my heart with Your peace when it is hard. Guide me to You, my rock. Lead me to Your Word that gives me strength and refuge. Allow me to not run to the lesser things. Help me to come to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my “overwhelmed” and You can place it under your control. We are grateful to you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.~ Jennifer Rothschild
A Prayer for A Breakthrough
Father, I have a question for You for a fresh vision for How will breakthrough look in my life? Please help me to continue healing while I wait for My miracle. Let me know how to be calm in the middle storm. Allow me to enjoy the delicious feast you have prepared for I was right there in the middle the battlefield. I want my whole life to testify that there’s a God in heaven who knows my name and You are the one who will bring me home safely. I am filled with the wonders of Your love. and power. I am determined to win this war against anxiety. Please help me to know when it is time to rest and when it is time to feast. andHow to actively engage my faith while I wait for You are the one who can break through. Let Your power shine in my life. Do the impossible. and Through you, I pray. Amen.~ Susie Larson
Dear God, I am so afraid to lose hope. Please give me strength. and replenish my soul.
A Prayer for Strength Against Spiritual Warfare
Heavenly Father, every day is a battle against sin and Try to resist temptation Give us the strength and grace to conquer cruelty with grace. and Hatred with love. God, please remind us that our actions do matter. We are not fighting a physical battle, but a spiritual one. and Your kingdom is built with every act of compassion. Help us become kingdom-Today’s builders Amen.~ Pastor Jack Graham
A Prayer for Strength and Prayer is power
Lord, I ask that You will grant me the ability to pray with Your authority. Teach me to pray with Your strength and power. Your prayers will determine my future. I want to pray with You. and The future of my country. I will pray with authority for My city. I pray powerful breakthrough prayers to move Your hands to action. Teach me how to come daily to You and Pray faith-The power of prayers for My needs and The need of others around me. I can’t reach my workplace or neighborhood without Your power. Thank You for remembering all my prayers and That they may influence Your heart. Reveal to me your spiritual authority (Ephesians 1:1).-18-23
I am grateful that you have shown me hope for the future because You are seated at God’s right hand and We are seated in heaven with You (Ephesians 2:16). You defeated Satan at The Cross and We fight a defeated foe (Colossians 2:25). Help us enforce Your authority and Prayer is a way to express your will on the earth. (James 4 :7) We are grateful for the ability to transform nations. Teach us how to get hold of prayer and We ask for your blessings. We are grateful for We have the power to pray. In Jesus’ name, amen.~ Debbie Przybylski
A Prayer for Strength Surrender
Dear Heavenly Father Your ways are more than mine. I pray for power andStrength to surrender my path andYour best route is the one you choose. Lord, I trust You. In Jesus Christ Name, I pray. Amen.~ Christina Patterson
A Prayer for God’s Strength If you feel under attack
Dear God, We are grateful for The power of your words and your Presence over our lives. We are thankful that no weapon against us will prosper. for You are greater than the one who is in the world. We pray for your protection against all threats and All abusive words, including accusation and We have been subject to cruel attacks. We thank you for making it possible, and we love that You are so loving. and Merciful and full of mercy andYou might. We put our trust in you to be strong for us. We are so grateful to you for being our Defender and Strong Tower,Our Refuge and our StrengthThank you. We are grateful for your fight for Contact us now and In our weakness, you make it stronger. In the powerful name Jesus, Amen. Debbie McDaniel
A Prayer forGuidance when Life is Hard
Lord, I’m here today with open hands andOpen heart, willing to depend on you for my success andAll it will do for me. Please help me to be like Nehemiah and bring me to you. forGuidance, strength and provision andProtection As I make difficult choices andHelp me to remember Your belovedness in difficult situations. andYour representative to the world. Today, help me live in honor of Your holy Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.~ Charles Stanley
What are your prayers? forStrength forDo you want to start today? Get involved in our large praying community via the comments section below andFeel the power and hope. andThe comfort of being in prayer with others!
Comforting Bible Verses for Strength
Here are some of our favorite Bible verses that speak of God’s strength. These verses will give you hope. andEncouragement to persevere and have a confident spirit! You can find the entire list on’s Scripture page.
- “He gives strength to those who are weary.” andThe power of the weak is increased.” ~ Isaiah 40:29
- “Those who believe in the LORD will regain their strength.” They will fly high like eagles and run. andThey will not become weary. and”Do not be timid.” ~ Isaiah 40:31
- “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient forWe are here to help. for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12;9
- “God is our refuge” andFor strength is the key to success-Present help in trouble.” Psalm 46,1
- “The LORD my strength andHe is my shield, my trust and my strength andHe is my helper. My heart leaps for joy, andHe is the one I praise with my song. The LORD is the strength of his people and a fortress of safety forhis anointed.” Psalm28:7-8
Rebecca Barlow JordanInspirational speaker and author. andFollower and advocate of Jesus, who is a passionate encourager for others. She is the author of 11 books. andMore than 1700 greeting cards and articles andOther inspirational pieces. You can also download Daily in Your Presence, her daily devotional forDelivery through Rebecca is available at
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