While we come to understand from an early age that death is just a part of life, it doesn’t make losing a loved one any less painful, especially when someone dies unexpectedly.
It is difficult to lose your loved one, and even more so when you are not expecting it.
YouYou may not know what to do if someone suddenly dies.
WhenWhen we hear the bad news, we hope it’s just a bad dream that we can get out of. There are often no words to describe the amount of pain we’re in, and there are not enough hugs in the world to comfort us.
People often wish they could spend one more minute with their loved ones during these difficult times. Just one more chance to show them how much you love and appreciate them.
However, we must learn to accept the fact that it is impossible and to focus on the positive side of life. We should also remember how much we’ve gained from knowing and being loved by that person.
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WhenIf you’re struggling to breathe and feel like it won’t get better, or you believe that things are going to never get better, this too will pass.
These are the 25Best quotes to refer to when someone unexpectedly dies.
1. “Grief can be described as the ocean. It flows in waves, ebbing and flow. Sometimes the water is calm while other times it can be overwhelming. The only thing we can do is to learn how to swim. — Vicki Harrison
Accept the fact that you can’t control your grief
2. “Those we love don’t leave, they walk alongside us every day… unseen and unheard but always close, still loved, still missed, very dear.”
They will always be there for your every need.
3. “And I will be there someday again in heaven.”
You can take comfort in knowing that you will be reunited at the end.
4. “Crying can be a way for your eyes to communicate how broken you are, when your mouth cannot.”
Don’t try to control your emotions.
5. “Words seem so fragile in these moments. Life is precious and death is a thief. Your pain is so deep that I can’t comprehend it, but I will be there for you in the dark, my friend. It is impossible to separate the bonds of love and death from one another. “Gone from your arms but held in your heart.” — John Mark Green
YouYou are not the only one. For strength, lean on your friends
6.You”You will never know your strength until you decide to be strong.”
YouThey are more powerful than any pain you feel.
7. “Her absence, like the sky spreading over everything,” — C.S. Lewis
Your loved one is always there.
8. “Those who love beyond this world cannot be separated from it,” What never dies cannot be killed by death.” — William Penn
Love never dies.
9. “Life is more painful than death.”
They are now at peace.
10. “Goodbyes do not last forever. Goodbyes do not mean the end. They just mean that I’ll miss your company until we meet again.
This is not the final word.
11. “Someday everything will make sense. For now, you can laugh at the confusion, cry, and remember that everything happens for reasons.
God does not make mistakes
12. “Sometimes things fall apart and they could actually be falling in place.”
Everything happens for reasons.
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13. It is both a blessing as well as a curse to feel everything so deeply.
Let yourself grieve.
14. “It takes courage to move through grief, to grasp onto life and let it take you forward.”— Patti Davis
Your loved one would love to see you rise.
15. “Look for the positive in every day. Even if it takes a little more effort on some days.”
Even in darkness, there is still light.
16. “Healing” doesn’t necessarily mean the damage is gone. It’s the end of suffering from damage that controls our lives.
It becomes easier to bear the pain with time.
17. Remember to always remember. God will never take something from you without the intent of replacing it with something even better.
Your life may be altered, but it will not be for the worse.
18. “Be grateful for every moment you have with the people you love.” The gift of life is priceless. — Mandy Hale
Remember the moments you shared together.
19. “Sometimes, the best thing that you can do is to not think, wonder, imagine, or obsess. Breathe and believe that all things will be well.
Do not let the “why” cause you more heartache.
20. “An abnormal reaction is normal behavior in an abnormal situation.” — Viktor E. Frankl
There are no wrong ways to respond to the loss of someone you care about.
21. “Life can be hard, my darling. But so is you.” — Stephanie Bennett-Henry
It will all pass.
22. “Never regret any day of your life.
Every moment, no matter how good or not, is a part of who we are.
23. Sometimes you need to let go of your inner strength to rise up again stronger and wiser.
Even the most difficult days can inspire growth.
24. “Sometimes you won’t realize the value in a moment until it is a memory.” — Dr. Seuss
You will cherish your memories of them forever.
25. “Never Forgotten. YouYou will never forget what simply cannot be. As long as I live, you’ll be with me. You will be safe in my heart. Your light will continue to shine, an unstoppable ember until the end of time. Whatever the future holds, or whatever may be ahead, I know you will always walk beside me on the path that I take. Rest easy, angel. Let your soul fly. I’ll one day be able to fly with you forever.
They may be physically dead, but they will continue to live through you.
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WhenIf someone unexpectedly dies, there are some things you should do and not do when trying to comfort them.
Talking to someone in grief is the best thing for someone who is grieving. It is important for them to feel supported and understood.
Share your most memorable memory of your deceased loved one. Even if you live far, call your loved one to let them understand that you are in your thoughts.
Don’t make it all about you by using phrases like “I know what you feel” and “You must be feeling …”.”
People in grief can react in many different ways. If they close down, they shut off. They run from it. If they need to talk about it, then be there.
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Alexis George is an author who writes about love, relationships, and personality topics.