55 Great Rumi Quotes to Give You a More Positive Outlook on Life

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad RumiThis was aPersian poet, an Islamic Dervish and a Sufi mystic. His wisdom and discipline transcend all ethnic and national borders since the 13th century.

I’m pretty sure each and every one of you has heard or read some Rumi quotes onEvery moment of your life is important. Rumiis considered to be aA great spiritual master and poet. His works inspired and inspired many artists. His wise words kept many people sane. toThis is the day.

RumiThis was aJurist and religion teacher up to the age of 37 when he met his wife. a wandering dervish named Shams Tabrizi. Soon he was Rumi’s spiritual mentor and intimate friend and eventually changed the course of his life.

Their friendship lasted approximately three years, until Shams mysteriously disappeared. Rumours abound that one of them was murdered. Rumi’s sons murdered him because he was jealous of their close relationship. RumiAlthough he was deeply grieved by the death of his friend, he used his grief to inspire him to write poems about Shams.

Rumi’s poetry is aMystical experiences in a series aReflection on nature’s beauty, a song, aDance, an idea a feeling… anything that makes us human, everything we’re able toYou can see with your eyes closed or open. Below are some examples. aLots of RumiLove quotes that show how profound and spiritual his poetry are.

Rumi’s work continues toResonate and today, his tomb draws heads of state and dervish followers each year. aceremony to commemorate the anniversary of his death. He is among the poets who show us the value of all experiences, good and bad.

These are the details 55 Rumi quotes to inspire deeper connections

Rumi quotes

Your task is not toDo not seek love. toFind and remove all barriers that you have created within yourself.

Don’t act so small. YouThe universe is in exhilarating motion.

You will find what you are looking for if you search for it.

Don’t grieve. You can always get it back in another way.

Yesterday I was clever so I wanted toChange the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

Rumi quote born with wings

YouYou were born with wings. toHow can you crawl through your life?

Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Create your own myth.

All that is beautiful, fair, and lovely can be seen by the one who sees.

Why should I feel unhappy? Every part of me is fully blooming.

Speak with your words, not your voice. It is rain, not thunder that grows flowers.

Avoid those who make you anxious and sad. They will only lead to more disease and death.

There is aCandle in your heart, ready tobe lit. There is aYou are ready to fill the void in your heart. tobe filled. You feel it, don’t you?

Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond between two people that draws them together toOther than words

Goodbyes only exist for those who love their eyes. For those who love with their heart and soul, there is no separation.

Set your life onFire. Find others who will fan your flames.

I know you’re tired but come, this is the way.

This is the definition of love toFly towards a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils toEvery moment is a fall. First toLet go of your life. Let go of your life. toTake aStep without your feet.

The wound is where you feel the light.

It is so that both angelic and the devil present us with objects we desire toAwaken your power of choice

Be in love, no matter where you are or what you do.

Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.

The expression of love is beyond the reach of reason.

Rumi quote breaking your heartYouYou can find it here toContinue to break your heart until it opens.

These are your messengers. Listen. toThey are.

Do not let your lover be disgraceful, mad, or absent-minded. An sober person won’t worry about bad things happening. Let the lover be.

Your heart is as big as an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.

I want toYou can sing just like birds and not worry about who is listening or what they think.

Take someone who doesn’t keep score, who’s not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing, who has not the slightest interest even in his own personality: he’s free.

When the world pushes your buttons to your knees, you’re in the perfect position toPray.

You can live your life as though everything is in your favor.

I am not the hair, or the skin.

Feel sorrowful, so you can become a mountain of joy. Weep, so you may burst into laughter.

Buy bewilderment and sell your intelligence. Cleverness can only be described as opinion. Intuition is gained from bewilderment.

Don’t worry. Be grateful for the thought-creators.

Allow yourself to be silently drawn in by the mysterious pull of what you truly love. It will not lead your astray.

When looking for food, the lion is its most attractive.

Your heart’s center is where your life begins. It is the most beautiful spot in the world. onThe earth.

Don’t you know yet? It is you who lights up the worlds.

Love is the bridge between everything and you.

You can find the wisdom to untie your knot. You must be open to the possibility of finding the path that will lead you to your true self.

Praise the sun! toAdmire your own eyes.

Dance until you break your bones.

It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

Why would you want to stay behind bars when there are so many options?

As you start toWalk onThe way is the way.

Very little grows onjagged rock. Get ground. Don’t be afraid to crumble, wild flowers will soon bloom where you are.

You can be blessed by what you hurt. Darkness is your candle.

The only thing that will last is the beauty of the heart.

The universe is within you. Take a look inside; all you want is already within you.

Close your eyes, feel in love, and stay there.

You will find your way home if you have light in your heart.

You can achieve perfection by yourself so you don’t fall into despair when you see the perfection of others.

This is aIt is a subtle truth. Everything you love is yours.

Safety is not your priority Do not live where you fear toLive.

What is planted in each person’s soul will sprout.

It will burn away every moment it blazes. a hundred veils. Carry you aYou have taken thousands of steps towards your goal.

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