28 Spanish Quotes about Life That Will Make You Feel Good
SpanishThese are some of the most famous quotes aboutBeautiful picture quotes and life in general Spanish
SpanishIt is a beautiful language that is spoken in many more countries than you might think.
Learning is a way to improve your skills. Spanish quotes aboutPeople who travel often may find it very helpful to have a good relationship with their family, friends and love. To Spain and Latin America.
This article will explain some of the meanings of some quotes that can be helpful. aboutThe best life is SpanishIf you are looking to communicate your deepest thoughts as a native speaker, I’m sure you will find this book enjoyable.
But… Let’s start with the basics! It seems crucial to understand that there are two things. SpanishVida is the Latin word for “life”. So know that you are familiar with the term, let’s analyze some quotes aboutIt’s possible!
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1. La libertad está en ser dueños de nuestra vida
Plato attributed this quote as a philosophical maxim that can inspire you to live a truly authentic life. The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘Freedom consists of owning your own life’.
It is a great quote to use when your friend is feeling down, or is going through a difficult time. It is the perfect quotation to lift someone up.
It’s also one of the most popular SpanishCaptions for Instagram
2. La vida es corta. Vive apasionadamente y siente la felicidad.
Some SpanishThese phrases aboutLife should be lived to make the most of every moment. This is precisely the goal of La Vida es Corta. Vive apasionadamente y siente la felicidad; which is to say that ‘LifeThe time is not long. Live passionately and feel happiness’.
This is a great way to remind yourself of the importance to forget about the past and enjoy the present.
3. Que tus sueños te lleven a la vida que te haga feliz.
Most inspirational quotes in SpanishIt will inspire you to pursue your dreams and fight for them.
If someone doubts his or her worth, it is your responsibility as a friend of let them know that it is important to trust their instincts to achieve their goals.
In this case, que tus sueños te lleven a la vida que te haga feliz; which can be translated as ‘Let your dreams guide you to a happy life’, can be used to show your support.
If you’ll watch some movies set in Spain, you’ll likely come across this Spanish quote.
4. Uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida
One of the most well-known SpanishThese are some of the most famous quotes about life is uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida. The literal meaning of this quote is ‘Everybody comes back to the places where he or she loved life’.
It’s useful to speak. aboutYou’ve been to places that made your heart happy.
5. Sonríe a la vida y la vida te devolverá esa sonrisa
‘Smile at life and it will give you back that smile’ can be appropriate if someone is showing a negative attitude towards life.
This phrase can help your friends realize that it is possible to be joyful even in difficult circumstances.
6. Si la vida te da limones… ¡pide sal y tequila!
There are some hilarious ones. SpanishThese phrases aboutYou should know the basics of life. Si la vida te da limones…¡pide sal y tequila! This is one of the most famous quotes to lift the mood. Its literal translation is ‘If life is giving you lemons.. ask for salt and tequila!’
Lemons are often known for their acidity, which can sometimes be quite unpleasant. But they are essential to a Tequila shot.
This is the meaning of this SpanishTo quote means to say that a difficult circumstance can be transformed into a positive one depending on how you approach it.
It also reminds us that even though life can be difficult, we can choose to see the positive side and continue moving.
7. Arriesga y haz que tu vida valga la pena.
When your acquaintances start doubting their abilities, they may become passive in the face of life’s opportunities. This is the time to wake them up.
Arriesga y haz que tu vida valga la pena means ‘Risk and make your life worthy’ and it will surely motivate your friends to reach their goals.
8. No tengas miedo a perder en la vida, porque así es como se aprende a ganar.
There are many Spanish quotes aboutThe meaning of life is similar to that in the section before.
No tengas miedo a perder en la vida, porque así es como se aprende a ganar can be translated as ‘Do not be afraid to lose in life, because that’s how you learn to win’
You may have noticed, this phrase is great to encourage your friends and family to take action to achieve what they desire.
9. La única persona que necesitas en tu vida, es aquella que demuestra que te necesita en la suya.
Self-empowerment seems like the theme of the century. It seems appropriate to include some Spanish quotes aboutYou will feel more confident in your self-esteem if you are able to love and live well.
That’s why you should remember that La única persona que necesitas en tu vida, es aquella que demuestra que te necesita en la suya, whose literal translation is ‘The only person you need in your life is the one who shows that he needs you in his’.
10. La vida empieza al final de tu zona de confort.
You are searching for shorts? Spanish quotes about life, La vida empieza al final de tu zona de confort is an easy one to remember.
It means ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone’ and it is useful to encourage people to take the risks that will lead them to success.
11. Eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida
Romance is also possible SpanishYou can use phrases to make your partner feel loved and special.
As an example, I have selected eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida. It can be translated as ‘You’re the most beautiful chance that ever came into my life’, which is the perfect quote to write in the note that is usually delivered with bouquets of flowers.
12. La suerte para triunfar en la vida se llama: creer en ti
Spaniards are quite optimistic, that’s why when searching for positive quotes in SpanishThere are many to choose from on the Internet.
One of my favorites phrases about life is La suerte para triunfar en la vida se llama: creer en ti. The meaning of this sentence is ‘The luck to succeed in life is called: believe in you’.
It is especially important to remind people around you, especially if they’re children, how it can impact their self-perception.
13. En esta vida no hay nada como un buen amigo
Some of the best Spanish quotes aboutLife is a reminder of the importance to have good friends and a happy life.
En esta vida no hay nada como un buen amigo means ‘In this life, there’s nothing like a good friend’. Nothing else needs to be added and I can’t agree more.
14. La vida es un paraíso para quienes aman apasionadamente
These cute little things will help you show your passion for people living better. Spanish quote: La vida es un paraíso para quienes aman apasionadamente.
Its literal translation is ‘Life is a paradise for those who love passionately’ and it may be taken as a reminder to make the most of your life.
15. En la vida algunas veces se gana, otras veces se aprende
Many SpanishLife quotes have meaning. One of the most popular ones is En la vida algunas veces se gana, otras veces se aprende, that means ‘In life sometimes you win, sometimes you learn’
It was created by John Maxwell, an American writer.
16. Las cosas más hermosas de la vida no se pagan con dinero
Las cosas más hermosas de la vida no se pagan con dinero deserves a special place in my personal list of cute Spanish quotes.
This phrase is important because it recognizes simple pleasures.
This quote can be translated as ‘The most beautiful things in life aren’t paid for with money’
17. Nunca es demasiado tarde para una segunda oportunidad en la vida
This is what happens when faith is lost Spanish quote about life may cheer you or your friends up because it is to say ‘It’s never too late for a second chance in life’.
Indeed, it’s always positive to remind yourself that difficult times go by and that the sun will shine again soon, so don’t get discouraged because opportunities await!
18. La vida se mide en los momentos que te dejan sin respiración
There are many well-known SpanishThese are some of the most famous quotes aboutLife is not easy, but this one is very flexible. Its literal significance is ‘Life is measured in the moments that leave you breathless’.
So, I wish you many more of them in your life!
19. Hoy es el primer día del resto de tu vida
‘Today is the first day of the rest of your life’ is one of the most famous Spanish quotes aboutLife is good. Indeed, it may be considered as a motivational phrase that could make everyone’s day!
It’s appropriate for when a new experience is about to begin and you wish to make sure those involved are aware of it.
20. Ríete todos los días y no habrás desperdiciado ni un solo momento de tu vida
To live a meaningful life, it is important to be happy. SpanishThis quote might be a great way to emphasize the importance of being happy.
Ríete todos los días y no habrás desperdiciado ni un solo momento de tu vida means ‘Laugh every day and you won’t have wasted a single moment of your life’
21. La vida es una aventura que tenemos el privilegio de disfrutar
Happiness is about cherishing every moment of life. To express this feeling, we must be grateful. Spanish we can say La vida es una aventura que tenemos el privilegio de disfrutar.
You can find all of the quotes here Spanish aboutIt is the most commonly used word in life. Its literal significance is ‘LifeIt is an adventure we are fortunate to be able to share.
22. La vida siempre nos da oportunidades para ser felices
There are many motivational quotes available. Spanish but La vida siempre nos da oportunidades para ser felices is a short and easy to remember one.
It can be translated into English as ‘Life always gives us opportunities to be happy’ and it may suit those situations in which a friend needs to hope that better times will come.
23. Vive la vida al máximo
‘Live life to the fullest’ in Spanish is Vive la vida al máximo. It’s used to remind everyone of how important it is to make the best of every situation.
This phrase is also one of the most used captions for Instagram photos aboutTravels and unforgettable experiences
24. La vida está llena de segundos que son oportunidades para compartir y sonreír
It is important that we mention the most beautiful. Spanish quotes aboutLife and friendship.
La vida está llena de segundos que son oportunidades para compartir y sonreír means ‘Life is full of moments that are opportunities to share and smile’, which is ideal to recognize the value of a friendship that enriches your life.
25. Contigo mi vida brilla y mi corazón palpita más deprisa
Combine life and romance SpanishQuotes are also possible.
Looking for a cute pet? Spanish phrase to show your beloved that you appreciate the special moments you are sharing, Contigo mi vida brilla y mi corazón palpita más deprisa may be perfect.
Its literal meaning is ‘With you my life shines and my heart beats faster’.
26. La vida está llena de oportunidades, solo necesitamos estar abiertos a ellas
Some Spanish quotes aboutResilience and strength are key words that emphasize the importance of strength. This phrase emphasizes the necessity to achieve our goals.
The literal significance of La vida está llena de oportunidades, solo necesitamos estar abiertos a ellas is ‘Life is full of opportunities, we just need to be open to them’.
27. De todo se aprende en la vida
Inspirational quotes in Spanish aboutThe common things in life are: De todo es aprende la vida is a way to let others know that all the experiences you have in your life will teach you something that you should be thankful for.
It is okay to make mistakes, provided you can remember what they were.
This phrase can be translated as ‘You will learn from everything that happens to you during your life’
28. En la vida es necesario tener tres cosas: salud, dinero y amor
There are some good ones SpanishQuotes are used to highlight the most important aspects of life. En la vida es necesario tener tres cosas: salud, dinero y amor means ‘In life it is necessary to have three things: health, money and love’.
You may have noticed, however, that this SpanishQuote allows you to express that health, money and love are the most important assets in your life. What do you think? aboutYou agree? Do you agree?
1. What are some Spanish quotes about the meaning of life?
“La vida no es más que una sucesión de momentos” (Life is nothing more than a series of moments) and “La vida es aquello que sucede mientras hacemos otros planes” (Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans).
2. What are some Spanish quotes about living life to the fullest?
“Vive como si fueras a morir mañana. Aprende como si fueras a vivir siempre” (Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever) and “La vida es demasiado corta para desperdiciarla en preocupaciones” (Life is too short to be wasted in worries).
3. What are some Spanish quotes about the ups and downs of life?
“La vida está llena de subidas y bajadas” (Life is full of ups and downs) and “La vida es una montaña rusa” (Life is a rollercoaster).
4. What are some Spanish quotes about life being a journey?
“La vida es un viaje, no un destino” (Life is a journey, not a destination) and “El viaje es mejor que la posada” (The journey is better than the inn).
5. What are some famous Spanish quotes about life from authors?
“La vida es lo que te pasa mientras estás ocupado haciendo otros planes” by John Lennon and “La vida es un sueño” by Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
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