49 Dominant & Submissive BDSM Pet Names For Guys

When you think of pet names, you might think of cute nicknames that you call your significant other or even close friends. Pet names can be charming if used properly. But pet names can also have a use for those who engage in BDSM. I’m going to show you why BDSM names are important and how to create your own. Also, if you want you can skip straight to the first list of BDSM names.

The Purpose of BDSM Names

If you’ve already read our guide to BDSM, you know some people take on dominant and submissive roles or the similar roles of top and bottom. Many people are in power exchange relationships all day, and some never leave these roles. Whether you’re interested in keeping BDSM inside the bedroom or want to explore it as a lifestyle, you might find yourself considering what your dominant name might be or helping choose a submissive name for your partner.

They put you in the right headspace – The purpose of a dom name or sub name varies between the people who adopt them. For Some people use them in scenes. It helps reinforce your roles and puts you in the right mindset. It’s like turning down the lights or putting on lingerie, both of which can help you get ready for sex. You might even use special pet names inside of the bedroom, even if you’re not into BDSM.

Reinforce your roles – Although some people only use BDSM names within the scene, others continue to use their dominant and submissive names when addressing their partners outside of the scene. If you have a pet name that you use with your partner-whether you use it all the time or when you’re feeling particularly affectionate-then you’re already familiar with this concept. These nicknames are used to reinforce the submissive and dominant roles that each person has taken on, and also serve as reminders of the bond shared. In certain situations, the dominant individual may only address their partner by their special submissive title.

Naming ceremony – You could choose to have a special naming ceremony, either between you and your partner or in an appropriate venue. Your relationship is made more meaningful by taking on a slave’s name. Some folks in the BDSM scene have similar collaring ceremonies, which show their commitment to their partner and relationship via the exchange of a collar or other piece of jewelry. But it doesn’t have to be a formal affair if you don’t want it to be.

However, BDSM names aren’t always personal or private. People often use nicknames to hide their identities when they socialize or play in public. For You might, for example, use a dominant title when you attend play parties or visit your local dungeon. Sometimes BDSM names include labels such as “Lady” or “Master,” indicating whether you’re dominant or submissive to potential play partners and people who don’t know you well.

Big “D” and little “s” – You’ll also notice that nicknames like these are common in online kinky spaces, where they may serve as screen names as well as scene names. The title can be used to indicate whether someone’s dominant or submissive. Online naming conventions are available. Submissive tend to keep their pronouns and names in uppercase, while dominant people will capitalize them.

Now that you understand why, when, and how someone might use BDSM names, you might be wondering what to choose for your own. If you enjoy BDSM in the media or spend time in kinky spaces, you might have noticed some trends and more common nicknames, but there’s plenty of room for creative or unusual names, too!

Dominant Names

If you’re a dominant, an appropriate name will make you feel powerful and in charge. You won’t feel uncomfortable, or like you’re playing dress-up. But you’ll be ready to control a bondage scene (discover more about bondage) and your partner with skill. It’s not uncommon for dominants to combine some of the titles below with their actual names. Think “Lady Sarah.”

Female Dominant Names

Below are some common dominant female names and titles that you can use in your relationship or scenes:

  1. Mistress
  2. Maitresse
  3. Milenka
  4. Lady
  5. Goddess
  6. Queen

You’ve probably heard of several of these suggestions for dominant female names.

Mistress is common and the feminized form of Master. However, not everyone likes the idea of human slavery. For them, a name such as Khaleesi, which originates in fantasy books/TV show Game of Thrones, might be a better option. This idea allows you to choose from many names your favorite media may inspire.

Names such as Goddess or Queen can be great choices because they create a sense of power and worship. Adding a descriptor such as “glorious” or “benevolent” can customize the name, too.

While less common, Domina is still quite elegant, and Princess can indicate a lack of power, making it for an extraordinary power trip when you force your submissive to use it when speaking to you.

Don’t forget to check out our BDSM checklist as you explore the lifestyle.

Male Dominant Names

Many of the dominant names to call your guy are simply the masculine form of the names suggested for women above.

  1. King
  2. Lord
  3. Dom
  4. Count
  5. Prince
  6. Headmaster
  7. Mister
  8. Maestro

Again, many of these honorifics denote power. A fairly common name that makes this list, Daddy, is ideal for dominants who display fatherly tendencies such as nurturing, guiding, correctly, and caring about their submissives. It also works well if you’re in a DD/lg relationship.

You’re not the only one who doesn’t like the idea of Mommy and Daddy. It’s a personal decision!

Gender Neutral Dominant Names

If you thought the list of dominant names to call your husband was a bit short or missing a few notable exceptions, then they might be among the list of dominant names below:

  1. Your Highness
  2. Master
  3. Owner
  4. Handler
  5. Governor
  6. Deity
  7. Liege
  8. Chief
  9. Boss
  10. Commander

Guest blogging site list

Now, you might notice that some of these ideas seem masculine. However, some people don’t feel that a dominant name necessarily has to indicate gender. The person in charge of the scene remains in control whether they’re a man, woman, or nonbinary! It might be easier to use one honorific for all players if there are multiple dominant partners. However, some people prefer specific names for each partner.

Submissive Names

Submissive Names are the opposite of dominant names and often indicate the roles of each member of the couple (e.g., Daddy and little boy). These names can help someone feel cared for and subservient. When used correctly and by the right person, a submissive’s name can pretty much cause instant arousal-especially when preceded by “My” (“My slut” etc)!

Female Submissive Names

  1. Miss
  2. Little girl
  3. Baby girl
  4. Kajiri
  5. Princess

Here, you see how Princess can take on a more youthful and subservient role than when used for a dominant woman. Damsel goes even further by suggesting that the female submissive needs saving.

Male Sub Names

  1. Kajira
  2. Baby boy
  3. Stud
  4. Bio
  5. Sissy

You’ll notice how submissive male names such as Baby Boy or Boi emphasize youthfulness or the need to be taken care of. Stud can both be complementary and work well for pony play. In contrast, Sissy is more of a humiliating name if that’s your type of play, instead.

Gender Neutral Submissive Names

Not everyone loves a gendered submissive name. For One of these names might work better for them. The list of gender-neutral submissives names is extensive.

  1. Kitten
  2. Slave
  3. Servant
  4. Slut
  5. Sugar
  6. Sunshine
  7. Toots(Ie)
  8. Thing
  9. Sweetie
  10. Sweet pea
  11. Sweetheart
  12. Sub
  13. Star(light)
  14. Pain Slut
  15. Whore

Names for submissives often suggest youth or other lack of power. These names may be sweet and loving, but they can also be more insulting and humiliating. Some people are uncomfortable with this. The same goes with descriptors such as “sweet” or “good” versus “bratty” and “filthy,” which can make the name feel more personal. You may prefer sweet names and affectionate names over hardcore kink.

On the other hand, if you’re into sexual humiliation, you might pick a name such as Flower or Doll for your male submissive because it’s feminine or associated with femininity. You can also combine a sweet name with a deprecating one to make things more interesting. Think Slave Princess or Darling Slut, for example. Another way to soften “demeaning” submissive nicknames for males and females is by adding “My” to the front, which can change the meaning to one that’s more sweet or affectionate-and enjoyable!

Of course, there are plenty of other names that refer to the power-exchange aspect of a relationship and the roles that are played, including Kitten, which works well both for pet play and general BDSM scenes. Precious or Treasure pay homage to the intimate relationship that a dominant and submissive have, while a sassy submissive might best fit the name Brat.

These 6 BDSM games will give you ideas for your scenes.

And if you want to customize any of these submissive names for males or females, simply adding your partner’s name or nickname can do the trick. Matt can become your “Darling Matty” when he’s submitting to you, or you might go by “[Your name] Bear” in the bedroom.


Q: What are some cute names to call your boyfriend?

A: Some cute names to call your boyfriend are Babe, Honey, Snuggle, and Sweetie.

Q: What are some funny names to call your boyfriend?

A: Some funny names to call your boyfriend are Hot Pants, Stud Muffin, Boo Bear, and Biscuit.

Q: What are some romantic names to call your boyfriend?

A: Some romantic names to call your boyfriend are Amore, Angel, Prince, and Mon Ange.

Q: What are some unique names to call your boyfriend?

A: Some unique names to call your boyfriend are Fireheart, Lumin, Mystique, and Cheetah.

Q: What are some names to avoid calling your boyfriend?

A: Some names to avoid calling your boyfriend are Baby Daddy, Buddy, Sir-Loves-A-Lot, and Blondie.

A Few Final Thoughts on Master and Slave Names

As you can see, the best nicknames for dominants and submissives are entirely subjective. So…

Make it personal – What sounds and feels good to you? What makes you feel connected with your partner? Is there a particular submissive male name that describes your partner’s personality? How would you describe your personality as a submissive or dominant?

A traditional or unique name? – Don’t think you need to use a cliche or traditional name. A good spname might work well for one person but might seem cheesy to another.

More than one BDSM name is fine – Finally, you don’t necessarily have to pick just one dominant name to call your guy! Another name might be appropriate depending on the setting. Perhaps you use a fairly common nickname such as “Darling” when around non-kinky (vanilla) people. You can get away with “Yes, Sir” as a male dominant name in most settings without others realizing that it has a BDSM connection.

On the other hand, your partner can call you by a dirtier female submissive name if you’re in the company of other kinksters or alone. If you’re trying to get your partner to give up, you can use a submissive pet nickname that no one knows.

Different roles may require different names. For example, you might sometimes play a Daddy/l ittle girl scene and use the appropriate female submissive name and male dominant name, even if those aren’t the submissive and dominant pet names you typically use. Your master might punish you with a different name. More BDSM punishment ideas here.

Here’s another consideration-some people are switches. They feel at ease as the dominant or submissive. You might use a male sub-name for your partner if he has a dominant pet name.

You don’t really need to have rhyme or reason for having multiple submissive pet names or dominant nicknames unless specific names have been outlined in your BDSM contract. Sometimes, these things are just natural.

In fact, you don’t necessarily need to consider submissive names for males if your partner simply prefers that you use his name! Your given names can just as easily denote dominating or submission when you use the right tone of voice, which is good if you’re afraid of slipping up and using your scene nickname in front of vanilla people.

Picking the right pet name as a dominant or submissive can be great for getting you into the right mindset for BDSM roles-or enforcing roles within your relationship. Many of these names are so sweet and sexy that they’re regularly used during vanilla sex, too. Even if you don’t choose to use special titles or names, it is fun to discover what works best for you and your partner.

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