38+ Best Working Women Quotes In English With Images


Working WomenYou are a role model to those who can see that there is more behind your smile than just a smile. They have the ability to overcome society pressures and family pressures.

Women make 18% less on average than men. However, they give 100% to their jobs and try to finish their tasks before the deadline. Because she knows her family is waiting for them at home, Most men will ask if men have families at home.

But as a Man, I don’t worry about my family while I’m at a job because I know there is my life partner who will take care of everything behind me my kids, my home, etc. But when she is out and I’m at home I’m unable to take her place and then I realized every housewife is really a hard-working woman who doesn’t get paid and they don’t even want to be paid for serving their family. They want their family to be happy and successful.

Best Working Women Quotes

Well, my words won’t be enough to describe to sacrifice of a woman who works hard to make her home a paradise in this world. Here I’m sharing motivational and inspirational quotes about working women.

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Female who is hardworking Quotes

“A strong woman understands that gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts.” – Nancy Rathburn

All women are working women… Only a few are salaried.

working women quotes

16 years of education. It was mainly to teach you how to be a worker, but not how to become an entrepreneur.

“WomenHold up half of the sky. – Chinese proverb”

Inspirational QuotesFor Women

“I am a working woman. I care for a house. I have a job. I am nuts”

A strong woman is one who is determined to do what others won’t. – marge piercy

“A woman is the full circle. With her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” – Diane

It’s so exciting to watch a young girl take the world by her lapels. LIfe’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass – Maya angelou.

“You can have unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, you can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people.” – Marsha Evans on hard work

Working Woman QuotesImages

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“One cannot accomplish anything without fanaticism” – Eva Peron

“Any women who understand the problems of running a home will be nearer to understand the problems of running a country.” – Margaret Thatcher

I am a woman. what’s your superpower?

I dreamed of being successful. It came from hard work. – Estee lauder

Lazy girls are not attracted to money. Money is a bonus for women who work hard. It’s not a ladder to climb.

You will never know how far you can fly unless you let your wings spread.

Independent Hard WorkingWoman Quotes

She’s a Dreamer. A doer. A thinker. She sees possibilities everywhere.

The perfect woman. The perfect woman is one that works, not idles or finds pleasure.

A beautiful woman is a beautiful lady, but a beautiful woman with brains is deadly. Parabal Gurung

I would rather struggle and work hard for everything I have than have someone tell me “you wouldn’t have that if it wasn’t for me.”

Every strong woman was once a weak little girl who promised herself. “Naver Again”

10 Year from now, you’ll look back and say Damn I’m glad I Hustled.

It is difficult to be a woman. It is difficult to be a woman.

WorkingWoman Quotes

“A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.”

When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.

My father had a very simple view of life: you don’t get anything for nothing. All things can only be earned by hard work, persistence, honesty, and hard work. Grace Kelly

Don’t stop until you’re proud.

WorkingIt becomes a routine, a serious form of fun when you work hard. Pushing yourself to the limits can bring you self-satisfaction. Knowing that your efforts will pay off. Mary Lou Retton.

WorkingWomen Sayings

Little girls who dream become visionary women. Unknown.

I can do it. I deserve it. I will get it. End of story.

She is strong and confident. She works hard and strengthens her arms to accomplish the task.

Don’t let your excuses get in the way of your strength

Success isn’t given. It’s earned. You can do it on the track, at the field, or in the gym. WithBlood, sweat, and the occasional tear

When a passion and a career come together, it’s beautiful.

If it’s something I want, I will do everything in my power to get it. If i’m working for it. I’ll work until I get it.So yes, I get what i want.

WorkingWoman Quotes In English

The question isn’t who is going to let me, It’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand

Wake up beauty, it’s time to the beast!


1. What are working women quotes?

Working women quotes celebrate and inspire women to pursue careers and contribute to the workforce. They often highlight the challenges and achievements of women in various fields and provide motivation and support for women striving for success.

2. Why are working women quotes important?

Working women quotes are important because they help to empower and uplift women in the workplace. They provide a sense of validation and encouragement for women facing discrimination, bias, or other career obstacles.

3. What are some examples of working women quotes?

Some examples of working women quotes are “A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman” by Melinda Gates and “I’m tough, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay” by Madonna. Another is “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform” by Diane Mariechild.

4. How can working women quotes inspire women?

Working women quotes can inspire women by providing motivation, encouragement, and validation for their efforts and accomplishments.

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